An Unexpexted beautiful sight

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Surroundings of brown,orange,yellow,and red catch my eyes as I walked along the side walk. Getting myself into trouble was not the case at the time. Voluntarily I choose to go to this stupid program. I thought it had no type of value or reason for me to go though. As the brezzy gust of wind hit me so did my brain. There definitely were good lessons to be taught in life. Okay so I lied. My mom made me go, but it change my thought of mind when I finished the program. I've met people so different and weird. Some to be posed as creepy but I guess I gave creepy a shot. And that's where it all began. That's where he was. That's where my hopeless place to find love was. Had I been dreaming? No! That's where Jonathan was. I just never knew it.

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