partners in crime

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6 months after Ty and JJ'S trip.

It had been almost a year since Ty and JJ met. They had been partners in crime ever since their trip. So much so in fact JJ had moved to Hudson and gotten a job with Scott. Lily had been incredibly pissed off by this development. She'd said a situation like this is why she hadn't wanted JJ and Ty hanging out in the first place and that you had now lost both of her sons. Amy on the other hand couldn't be happier about Ty and JJ's growing relationship. She was relieved that Ty had a good relationship with someone from his side of the family. In the back of her mind Amy had always worried that if anything ever happened to her Ty wouldn't be able to cope. Of course he would always have her family but Amy Understood That wasn't the same.

"Hey babe is your phone dead ?" Asked Amy.

"No, I put on silent so I could sleep in why?" Asked Ty .

"JJ just texted me asking if your phone was dead,” said Amy.

"He probably texted me or something,” Ty Said thinking out loud.

Ty took his phone out of his pocket and checked it. He read the text and handed his phone to Amy. Amy grabbed the phone and read the text.

"You can go if you want," said Amy .

"Are you sure?" Asked Ty

"Yes, go,” said Amy.

"Thanks babe,” said Ty, kissing Amy.

"Yep love you,” said Amy, trying to hide her disappointment.

As much as Amy supported Ty and JJ's relationship she also was starting to feel a little bit like her and Ty's relationship was being put on the back burner in favour of JJ lightly.

"The only thing I ask is if you are going to the bar please take a cab not the truck,” Amy Said, Worriedly.

"Okay will do,” said Ty, smiling.

An hour later.

Ty and JJ walked into the bar.

"My goal for tonight is to get you laid," said Ty smiling.

"I'm not objecting but why?" Asked JJ.

"Because it's only fair one of us gets laid tonight and it's not gonna be me,” said Ty.

"Were you planning on getting laid tonight?" Asked JJ.

"Yeah until you texted me like a bastard," said Ty jokingly.

"Sorry dude,” said JJ laughing a little.

An hour later

Ty finished his beer. The waitress walked over to the table and leaned down with a huge smile.

"Here's your check sweetie, I get off at midnight,” said the waitress with a grin.

"I'm married however I happen to have a twin brother and he's single as can be,” said Ty.

"Really? I hope he's as cute as you,” said the waitress.

"We're twins so I'm sure he is," said Ty.

The waitress took a napkin and rode something on it.

"Give him my number," said the waitress flirtatiously.

The waitress walked away and JJ came back to the table.

"Dude I totally hooked you up with that hot waitress," said Ty .

He then handed JJ the napkins and grabbed his coat.

"Have fun,”said Ty, smiling as he made his way to the door.

"Thanks dude,” said JJ

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