chapter 6

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good day my simps 

I awoke to my hair being stroked I opened my eyes."Desna" I asked mind still hazy from sleep. he nodded. and I push into his hand and he continues 

"my father needs us so shift and come with us".I did as he asked and we headed out's getting colder and the fur isn't doing much to keep me warm.

when we got there I hung back as eska had told me to do on the way here. They started fighting I just yawned and laid down. they wouldn't need my help they are great fighters. I do seem to like naps a lot better when I am shifted.

we walked into Unalock's tent "what are we still doing here father"eska said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"the invasion was successful and the south is now under our control"Desna stated he seemed to be on his last nerve.

"We restored balance now we would like to go home and enjoy our honeymoon"eska said growing even more annoyed as time goes on.

"you don't understand everything I have accomplished has paled in compassion with what I am about to accomplish," Unalock says in an ominous tone.his voice sets me on edge I still don't like him even if he is my father-in-law.

I tuned them out after that because I cant listen to Unalocks voice anymore.

we were guarding the spirit portal when I saw a plane with my brothers strapped to it. they must have been really desperate to use those two. they can never follow a plan they always mess something up.

there was fire everywhere mako must really be giving it his all. desna and eska raced off I shifted and ran after them. I can't keep up no matter how fast I run so I slow to a jog id rather not tire myself out before a fight.

we caught them all and threw them in a tent me still in my tiger form. he started talking about the dark avatar it was the first time I saw eska and Desna show emotion in front of someone other than me. it was shocking, to say the least.

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