Chapter 2

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My phone buzzed, indicating an incoming message. Putting a chaste little kiss on my wife's head, I gently got my hand from under her head. She had been using it as a pillow while she snuggled me.

I was awake thinking what best gift to give her, as a wedding anniversary.

Holding that thought, I slid out of bed, grabbing my phone and going to the kitchen. On my way there, I unlocked my screen and went for the message. The name got me freezing on the spot.

"Finally you can breathe, do you remember how we used to party before you met Sharon? "Ray asked casually, just a second after Sharon left the room. It was infinity's anniversary and we threw hell of a party. We had danced, we had eaten, we had drank, a lot and I was really not in my right mind.

"I still party. Just responsibly. I have two kids remember? " I voiced, rolling my eyes.

"You are too uptight nowadays." Ray continued. I was feeling tipsy and as such, I was known to go an extra mile to prove a point. So I got up and staggered aimlessly.

"I am not uptight. And I can prove it."

Patrick snickered." I dare to kiss whoever walks through that door and feel nothing.

"What are you, five?I said not uptight, not stupid. " I retorted .

"What is the harm, for all you know Sharon could be the lucky woman who gets to kiss your drunk lips. And if that is not the case, so what? You can always blame it on captain Morgan." I stayed quiet as I watched four of my friends join  in a big laughter.

What are they saying? They are unmarried and very drunk." I thought.

Slowly, I walked to the door.  people started cheering. They actually thought I would cheat on my wife? How drunk did they think I was

So many women came through that door and I couldn't move. Until my wife walked in and was more than happy to make out with her in front of everyone. Of course I was drunk so Sharon protested and got away.

I threw the four bastards a stink eye, then went ahead to clear my mind.

I was in too deep when I felt a body next to me. The next minute, a pair of lips on mine. I savored the taste. She tasted like passion fruit.
Intoxicating and wild.
I pulled her in, deepening the kiss. She was a good opponent, unlike Sharon, who kept subtly pushing me away, This siren let me take control of her mouth just the way I needed. She wasn't shy, because, a few seconds into the kiss, she had her hands on my crotch.

Boy, it felt so gooood until someone called my name from the outside. I quickly pulled away and tried to level my rugged breathing.  The lights turned on and that is when I saw my brother sauntering into the room.

His lips pursed and without saying a word, he turned and left. .
I turned to the frozen human and my mystery kisser was, Zhela? "


A day later, a number texted a  practical joke."Dean and Zhela under a tree kissing." I called it a bluff because the room was dark, even if he was inside, he would not have seen anything. The moment I had typed bluff, an image came.

Someone saw us!Took a video of us.

He threatened to show it to Sharon if I didn't do exactly, as he wanted. And you know what he wanted?
He wanted me to wait until he texted again and ladies and gentlemen, four months down the line, he texted again .
End of flashback

Running a hand over my face, I expelled air wondering what he would demand of me. I was exhausted from all the energy I took to regulate my pressure. I sat at the foot of the stairs and  clicked on the message.

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