Stave 5 - Epilogue

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[Henry wakes up, dazed] 

HENRY: I'm in my room. In my house! My stuff! They're all here! I'M HOME! (he dresses quickly and opens the window to speak to Jolly Josh) Yo Josh! 


What's the day, my fine fellow?

Today? Why, Christmas Day!

Christmas? (enters his "Eureka" moment) EUREKA! THAT'S IT! It's Christmas Day! I haven't missed it! The spirits have done it all in one night. They can do

anything they like. Of course they can. Of course they can save Ted. Merry Christmas! 

JOSH: And a Happy New Year! 

HENRY: I'm going to get Peter a big turkey for today! He'll love it! (walks with Josh to the poultry shop when he sees Paul) Hi Paul!

PAUL: Oh, hi bratface! What you want?

HENRY: I'm here to give you 500 pounds each! (gives him the money) Merry Christmas and God bless you! 

PAUL: Merry Christmas, brat!

HENRY: (after buying the turkey) Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to all! (he stops and sees Peter. He makes a horrid face) Perfect Peter

PETER: Henry! I.. I was only going with my friends to our dad's house. 

HENRY; Exactly! So there I will give you...


HENRY: (happily) A raise! I shall give you enough money to afford medicine for Ted! 

PETER: Oh goody!

MISS LOVELY: How lovely!

(at Henry's House)

DAD: Henry! You came! With all the Best Boys club! 

HENRY: Indeed I did. Merry Christmas to all!

TED: And God bless us, everyone!

(cut back to Henry finishing the book)

HENRY: THE END (closes the book) Well, I hope you had a good story time folks

MUM: Henry! Come down for Christmas Dinner!

HENRY: Got to go. And remember! Merry Christmas to all of you! (leaves)

Cut to black


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