Unexpected turn.

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Archibald's pov

We made it. But we have no idea where Arthur is. We must find the minimoys village. 'Where are we going?' 'What is this place? I could hear people asking each i other. "Armand?" I heard my wife and turned to hear the question she was going to make. "Where is Alfred?" she asked. We left Armand to look after him. "It left and I could not do anything to stop it. If you didn't insist on not putting it on a leash it would still be here." "It's alright!" I said to my wife. "How?" she asked and I turned to my son-in-law. "In which direction did he go to?" I asked. He pointed and seeing where I chuckled. "I still do not get how everything is alright!?" my wife exclaimed. "He is trying to find Arthur." "Don't you think he might get lost?" "I doubt it. I am sure he will do anything to reach Arthur. Nothing and no-one will stop him. Also that way he can find us too so he will lead Arthur back. Probably." "Let us hope so." Daisy said looking at the dense grass that was in the direction that Alfred left. Turning around I saw the puzzled expression everyone had written on their faces. So I decided that I had to explain to the people where exactly we where going. Searching the area my eyes fell on a small rock that I think I can climb in my age. So I did.

No-one's pov

Archibald climbed the rock while his wife had a heart shouting how stupid and childish that idea was. But he managed to do it. That didn't mean that he looked forward on getting back down again. For two reasons. First getting down is never easy. Secondly his wife would be able to reach him and she was waiting for him to get down.

"Alright everyone! The place where we are going to is next to that tree, if you can see it." He pointed to the only tree in the garden. 'And under a gnome which you definitely can't see. 'Let me think. What else. Aa yes I know.' "There is a small problem though. That place is underground and to get there we have to find the entrance to the tunnels which I hope that they are going to be close to the tree. In case we can not find anything we will have to ask someone. If we ever stumble across anyone." He finished and was about to get down to their level, when a difficult question, that, eventually, had to be answered was heard. "Ask who? Are there people like us over here?" He thought his next words very carefully.

"Well there are. Yes. Remember these five really tall men that were seen with Arthur a lot of times. They are called the Bogo-Matassalais. And what made them distinct from us is their height. Right?" A lot of people nodded so he continued. "On the other hand here live some creatures that are really small. So it is like a visible contrast?!" There are seven kingdoms and we are currently in the first. We are going to the minimoys village. Where there are some minimoys that we know. Alright?" He heard people saying 'yeah' and 'probably' so he decided to come down.

And with that they continued walking towards the tree that was visible in the distance.

Somewhere a little bit far from where our group is but still inside the First kingdom, Arthur was laying unconscious. Having hit his head while landing, thankfully not so seriously, he wouldn't wake up in the upcoming hours and the moon had slowly started to shed some of its light again. That was kind of a problem, being alone at night time. But he wouldn't. He actually wouldn't stay there throughout the night.


When our little hero started to gain consciousness he could barely hear some people talking, from all the buzz around his head. He definitely couldn't make out sentences. Some words and phrases he managed to catch were " --- --- he --- ---- --- what is --- ------ ---- -- is stran--- out here -- --- from the ---- we found --- ---- day?" "Well -- --- lucky ---- -- -- not have -- ------ a lot!" "Let's ---- back." "Help -- ---- him."

That was the last he heard before he lost consciousness again. Having never opened his eyes.

"Bark!" ........"Bark!" "What is that?" "Should we kill it?" "No?!.... Try to capture it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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