The solution.

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Arthur's pov

I broke the hug after I felt better. I had to do something. "We have to warn them at least" "We can't go back we have to stick with the people. Also they are hundreds of years old and have survived through a lot of difficult situations, as your grandmother said." He answered. Remembering the speech his wife gave him a year ago. He is right they can live through this. We are the ones who have a problem right now. I mean they can't be found, we can. They won't hurt them. They are coming for us. They are safe at least for the time being. Who wouldn't be safe, when it comes to hiding, if they are using m.m for measuring their height. "You are right" I told my grandpa and turned my look away. I couldn't face him. I felt so empty. So defeated and I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't help anyone neither the minimoys nor the people of Daisy town. I looked at the General. No one was close to him. That meant that no one had come up with a plan. Or something at least. I looked around and saw Bruno with his parents. He was looking down. A little more behind was Jake with his mother he saw me looking at him and he gave me a faint smile. I also saw logan with her parents not that far off. She was talking with them. I searched for Dylan but I didn't see him around.

"Can I go and search for Matteo?. I don't see him around." I asked my grandpa. "Of course you can. Just remember where I am." "Alright." I left that place. As I was walking reaching almost the end of the crowd. I caught a glimpse of him and I started walking towards him. He saw so he did the same. He was scared. But it was the first time I saw him like this. It wasn't like he was just frightened but off. I can't explain it and i can't stand seeing him like this. He was the jokester in our group. He was a person who would be scared but mostly worried. And he would usually get his and our minds off everything with a joke or he would try to say something irritating. And I am not surprised he did it again.

"You know. If only movies, series and books were real, we wouldn't be in this situation" He smiled at me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well for example if 'Harry Potter' was real we could cast a spell to disappear or something like this. I mean, what about 'Percy Jackson' series. If we had a cap like Annabeth we could become invisible." He said excited. "Or we would have a power we could use in our advantage." I was just looking at him like what the heck had just happend to my best friend. Like five minutes ago he seemed depressed and now he is talking to me about solutions he got from fantasy books. "What" he asked after he noticed that I didn't answer for some time. "What about a more logical solution." I told him. "Danny Phantom!" He offered.

"First of all that is not a solution but a series. And second ghosts don't consist any logic!" "I know but machines do! Right?" " Right!?" "So what about the episode where Danny and his bully, Dash get shrunk? It is one of my favorites episodes and it doesn't consist anything supernatural, does it?" "What about it?" I asked. "What do you mean?" "Why are you telling me all this?" I demanded for an answer. I wasn't in the mood for jokes and I know I shouldn't have raised my voice but I would cry if he continued to talk about not having a solution.

He let out a sigh and answered me. "Because you.... I haven't seen you like that before. Because you seemed sad. You.....the kid who always smiles. I am just trying to cheer you up." Is it so obvious? How can I be so stupid not to notice. "I am so sorry. I should have guessed that and I shouldn't have raised my voice. It's just, well...." "You do not need to tell me, the reason why you are like that and we all have our breaking point. And it seems like I shouldn't have talked so pessimistic."
"That talk was not pessimistic" "You sure" "Yes" "Anyway.....there is no magic no cap no machine no magic potion or something" "Magic potion?" "From Minecraft!" of course he would come up with a new category to add.

"There are potions, that can give you a certain skill or power..... Why are you looking at me like that!?" He asked after seeing that I didn't talk. "Minecraft?" I asked. "Yeah! What?" "That's a game!" "And?" "We were talking about movies, series and books." He gave me a sinister look and smiled mischievously like he was planning my murder. "Do you have a problem mister serious talk?" He tried to say that with a low voice. "Do I have to say no to escape you." "Yep" "No" "No what?" Seriously! "No I don't" I repeated. "Good!" He stated. I smiled at his silly behavior.

Arthur and the minimoys.:The danger from the above.Where stories live. Discover now