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Hey guys! I'm not new to Wattpad- I had an account before but took a long break from it and now can't get back on it- but this account is! I hope you enjoy my version of what I think happened after the end of American Horror Story Murder House! Please share with friends if you liked it and feedback would be great!!! Thanks, happy reading! x



Tate's P.O.V

Three years is a long time to spend alone, in the shadows. I'd accepted a long time ago that this was my life now, trapped in this house for eternety. Existing but not living.

I don't even really miss being alive anymore. It's a luxorary all of us lost here, in this house. What I miss, what I merely exist without, is her. My girl. Violet.

I miss everything about her.

She sparked something in me, I felt a warmth inside that only the living feel. A fire that could not be put out.

At least, that's what I thought.

And that's what agitates me the most, not the waiting, not even the loneliness, but the loss of that warmth inside me that gave me worth. Without it im nothing again.

I miss being something.

Something else has changed. Without Violet I'm terrified, all the time. Terrified of getting lost in my thoughts. Terrifed of doing somthing I'll regret, again.

My mind is a dark place. It taunts me with images of Violet. Her soft, delicate skin. Her brown hair falling perfectly into place. Her rose lips pressed against mine.

Without her the voices are louder.

You killed them, all of them. Why did you do it? What did you get from it? She hates you. Idiot.

But it's easier to think about what ive done than to listen to the voices telling me what to do next.

Kill. She can't stop you anymore. It will make you feel better. Don't stop until your not angry anymore.

"I will never stop being angry at myself for what I did." I whisper, my voice horse from disuse.

I can't help but wonder what she thinks of me. I am a disgrace, a monster, a psychopath.

I don't hate her for telling me to go away, how could I? I deserve it. I deserve every second I am alone. I don't deserve Violet. I don't deserve the warm feeling she gives me inside.

These thoughts won't leave my mind.

I've ruined everything.

Violet's P.O.V

"Violet! Come downstairs." Moms voice echoes through my bedroom.

I slide off my bed and head down the stairs.

I know he's following me. I can't see or hear him, but I know.

He does this sometimes, watches me, Must be pretty hard I suppose, to be so close to the person you love yet not be able to reach out to them.

It's probably not as hard as finding out the person you love is a psychopath murderer that raped your mom, but ya know, still tough.

I hate him.

I miss him.

Mom's waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, staring at me, holding something between two fingers.

"What have I told you about leaving cigarette butts everywhere?" She scowls, waving the butt in my face. "I want you to stop smoking them please." She drops it into my hand and walks back into the lounge.

I roll my eyes. "It's not like they can hurt me! I'm dead remember?!"

I drop the cigarette on the floor and storm upstairs.

Stop? No way. Smoking is the only thing that makes me feel human. Breathing out the smoke reminds me of winter, my warm breath hitting the cold air.

I used to have something else that made me feel human, but he's a crazy dickhead, so he's gone.

A sudden pang of longing hits me.

Where's the crazy dickhead?

I turn around quickly, expecting him to come running through my bedroom door crying out appologies, arms out wide ready to pull me into him so I can stay there forever, forgiving him. But i had no such luck.

He left.

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