Night Talks

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*Tate's P.O.V*

The bed beneath me is moldy and damp but I couldn't care less.

The walls encasing me are dingy and dark but it doesn't faze me.

It's not even Violet that's on my mind.

I can't escape my thoughts.

Why did you do it? What is wrong with you? Why do you destroy everything?

"What's up princess?" Hayden mocks as she walks down the basement stairs. "Your girlfriend still ignoring you?"

My silence seems to encourage her.

"This is really pathetic Tate," She continues. "you know there is a way you can forget about her." Her hand slides up her side, lifting her top a little.

"Go away." My voice sounds weak. I clench my jaw at the thought of it spurring her on.

Instead she stops, waiting. More than a few seconds pass before she speaks again.

"What a waste." She mutters so quietly, I almost miss it.

She disappears and I'm left alone again.

I lie back on the old mattress and hear it squeak in protest.

I close my eyes.

Violet stands before me, her arms crossed in front of her. I breathe her name gently and she smiles. Her hair perfectly frames her face and her hazel eyes glisten with delight. I reach out my hand to touch her, but it is not my hand. It's distorted and monstrous. Violet gasps, fear coats her face and glazes her eyes. She whispers my name, then shouts it. I try to answer but my voice is a terrifying roar of noise. She turns and runs away screaming 'Monster!'

I snap my eyes open again.

She's right.

*Violet's P.O.V*

I stand in the hall leading to my old room. The door is cracked and Flynn sleeps soundlessly inside.

I take in all the changes he has already made to the room, -the unfamiliar band posters almost completely covering one wall, the musical instruments piled in one far corner- and can't help but feel a little sad.

I only drag my eyes away when Chad appears next to me.

"Lonely?" He asks, his arms folded and gaze also fixed on Flynn. When I don't reply, he continues. "I've got to admit he's pretty cute."

I turn to him then, my eyebrows raised.

"What?" A smirk spreads across his face. "Though the dad's more my type."

I laugh gently, shoving my hands in my pockets. "What does Patrick think about your little crush?"

"Oh please." He rolls his eyes. I stay silent, waiting for him to carry on but he doesn't. His gaze shifts to the floor in front of him.

"Halloween tomorrow," I say in an attempt to change the subject casually. "got any plans?"

He simply shakes his head in response, despair forming in his eyes.

Bringing up Patrick was a mistake.

After a few minutes of silence, he speaks again, seeming to have forgotten what had just been said. "Just remember, sunshine," I hated that nickname he gave me and furrowed my eyebrows at him a little as he continued. "nothing comes between true love, and if something does, it isn't real." At that he disappears.

I turn back to face the boy sleeping in my bed.

I did love Tate, I still do.

I can't let this come between us...

Can I?

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