💸🎶Caught in a Bad Bromance🎶🎤

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I. Overview:
This ship blew up in popularity a few months ago, and if I'm going to be perfectly honest, I didn't expect myself to be analyzing this one.

But, since it's more popular now, I thought it'd be interesting to look at. And in many ways Drake is a lot like Jander, it's a bold, confident child paired up with an edgelord.

Jake's more loving persona clashes with Drew's more cold exterior, and it's another pairing of two stubborn, 'hot' dudes. A little stereotypical, but it does have a more unique twist to it. It did get popular for a reason.

II. Relationship Potential:
It appears that Jake and Drew have been friends for some time, so they're off to a better start than other pairings Jake's involved with. He can barely say a coherent sentence around Daisy, and he didn't get off to a good start with Hailey and Zander.

Jake is probably the only person that could bring out the best in Drew. And from the looks of it, Drew probably has a soft spot for Jake, so he would be more inclined to be nicer to him and do more to make him happy. So, that does have the foundation for a happy relationship.

Although, there's two things I do feel that have the possibility to ruin that relationship. One, if they were in a relationship, it would seem likely that he would force Jake to quit the music club, regardless if it makes him happy or not.

From what's been shown so far, Drew doesn't like the music club, and doesn't like the idea of Jake hanging out with them, and they aren't even dating. I get the feeling that Jake would oblige, but he would probably wind up resenting Drew for making him do that.

This seeded resentment would wind up hurting their relationship, especially since it's pretty evident that Jake likes hanging out with the music club.

Drew would need to let go of whatever beef he has with the music club and still let Jake hang out with them occasionally.

Two, I feel like Drew probably gets jealous easily. Letting Jake hang out with the music club would probably make him feel like Jake is replacing him with them, it doesn't matter if that's true or not.

I feel this would be the root of any major spat they get into. Drew would need to get rid of his jealous tendencies almost entirely in order for this relationship to work.

III. Overall Dynamic:
Most of Jake and Drew's interactions haven't had any deeper meanings behind them for the most part yet in the series. However, with the exception of Hailey, Jake has interacted with Drew more than every other character in the series. Even Daisy, his own crush.

So Drake shippers do have plenty of interactions to enjoy throughout the series. And I think they're going to continually interact with each other throughout the rest of the course of the series.

IV. Character and Relationship Development:
We've seen enough ships involving Jake to know that his biggest flaw is his negligence. His lack of thinking through his decisions would irritate many, Drew included.

Drew is also a very flawed character, people tend to forget that sometimes. He hasn't been the nicest person to Henry and Liam, his own friends. And he's a bully, and no matter what his motive is, there's absolutely no justification for bullying, whatsoever.

He's been unkind to the music club, Zander specifically from the looks of it. He literally approached them when it was entirely unnecessary in episode five, and they were just minding their own business.

Drew is a bully, no question about it. So even if Drew gets a redemption arc of some sort, it'll take people a while to forgive him in a realistic sense.

I'm sure you're thinking "Wait, wasn't Jake a bully too?". Yes and no. I genuinely don't think he bullied the music club to the extent Drew did. The most we've seen Jake do was call Hailey a 'music freak'. It's obviously not cool at all, but at most it's annoying rather than brutally mean.

And that whole encounter in episode one, Drew actually started it when he called Hailey and Zander 'the music freak duo'. He really should've just left them alone. Jake would've probably left them alone if Drew didn't say anything. Jake isn't a mean person.

But so far, we have no concrete evidence that redeems Drew for his behavior, so Drew's biggest flaw is that he's mean, as cheesy as it sounds.

Also, studies have shown that if you don't like someone, you'll likely also dislike people they associate themselves with because of the saying 'birds of a feather, flock together'. I think the reason Zander was so against Jake joining the music club was because he associates himself with Drew, which seems like the root of the harassment towards the music club.

I'll get back on track now, rant over lol~

Anyhow, from the lunchroom scene in episode five, Jake was evidently not paying attention to what Drew was saying. I think this is the beginning of an emotional drift from his old friends, future evidence will either prove or disprove this.

Also from that lunchroom scene, Drew blushed when Henry commented that he sounded jealous. After watching that scene over and over again, I came to the conclusion that it wasn't from embarrassment, it's actually very plausible that Drew does have romantic feelings of some sort towards Jake.

Plus, he doesn't seem super invested with his relationship with Zoey. Does he buy her lots of pretty things? Yes. Does he at least care? Yes. But is it on a deeper level? I don't think so.

Whether he recognizes his feelings yet or not is yet to be revealed, or if the theory of him liking Jake is even true to begin with. If it turns out to be true (it would be an interesting plot twist for starters), I do feel drama between the two characters will erupt. How it turns out is something I can't accurately predict.

V. Final Thoughts:
Even though this is another 'opposites attract' ship, it has a few unique features to the ship that make it different. Like I mentioned earlier, Jake and Drew are already on friendlier terms than other characters they're shipped with, and it does seem more possible that Drew has feelings towards Jake.

Other characters Jake is shipped with, there's no concrete evidence that the character actually likes Jake romantically to begin with. So this ship does have some sort of a base to it.

And I hope there is some sort of development within this ship at some point in the series, since it was really interesting to look at.

A/N: I think this is my longest analysis so far...dang. But either way, I hope you enjoyed it! Yes, I wrote two analyses in a day, inspiration hit me like a lightning rod.

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