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This will get updated more often once I finish my current TMF fanfic: Legendary. Go check it out if you haven't already.

But, instead of writing another fanfic after that one is completed, I will be doing something a bit different. I'm going to be sharing my opinion on different ships on The Music Freaks. It's not going to be an uninformed opinion though. Whether I ship it or not, I will do my best to remain as unbiased as possible.

I'm mainly doing this because of the "ship wars". Everyone has their reasons for shipping something and fighting over which ship is better accomplishes absolutely nothing. Unless it's morally wrong, every ship is valid. Toxic shippers can go home. Most people in the fandom are pretty open towards other opinions, but toxic shipping still exists, and it seriously needs to stop. That's the biggest reason as to why I'm writing this. To show every valid ship has a good side to it.

Each ship I'll be looking at will have some positive light shed on it at some point, even if I don't ship it, I want to make it fair. I will be studying possible relationship potential, their overall dynamic, and diving into their character and relationship development through their interactions.

Ships I plan on analyzing are:
-Jailey (JakexHailey)
-Lander (LukexZander)
-Jander (JakexZander)
-Jaisy (JakexDaisy)
-Seaisy (SeanxDaisy)
-Milliot (MillyxElliot)
-Haisy (HaileyxDaisy)
-Jilly (JakexMilly)
-Drake (DrewxJake)
- Jalia (JakexLia)

Depending on how well this gets received, I may do more ships in the future, but I can't promise anything more than this, and this is pushing my limit as it is already.

Due to Schoolwork, studying each ship thoroughly, rewatching TMF to collect data, and other personal stuff, updates will not be consistent. Also, this is not meant to be disrespectful to shippers of any kind. If you ship it and have reasons to back it up, I respect your opinion. I apologize for being repetitive but I wanted to make this extremely clear.

Also remember, whether you ship Jailey or Jaisy, or Lander or Jander, or something completely different, every shipper in the fandom has one thing in common. We all love The Music Freaks and appreciate all the hard work and effort Rosy and her VAs put into this series.

Thank you for reading this, have a great day everyone!

Analyzing Ships from Rosyclozy's: The Music Freaks Where stories live. Discover now