Chapter 4 - Tears

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A/N: Sorry about the wait! I don't have a schedule on when I update, simply because I'll give you days I update and never actually update then sooo... You know I suck at keeping to a date. Currently I'm writing this and I'm really sick. I have a sore throat that feels like I've ate sand and when I cough I sound like a dying seal. I think I may have tonsillitis..
Also I'll update when I get 15 votes! Promise! So the fate of this story is in your hands!

Lucy's P.OV

I'm sitting on the front row of seats, staring at the portrait of myself sitting on a seat that's waaaay to big for me and my parents are standing behind me, smiling. I looked at my Mothers face closely, wishing she could be here now.

A tear rolled down my cheek and I felt someone's hand on my back. I turned to find Natsu behind me smiling sadly at me. Then the tears started flowing down my face.

"I miss her so much." I whispered to him.

"I know." Was all he said, but the tight squeeze of his hand on mine gave me confidence to get through the memorial service.

I faced forward waiting for it to start.

NATSU P.O.V (I'll put what Wendy says correctly in brackets for anyone who doesn't know what it says)

I had walked home after the service to give Lucy a little bit of time alone. I know I had promised her Mother that I wouldn't leave her to let her cry but I decided she will need a small amount of time to understand what's going on. I can't imagine what she's going through.

I changed out of my suit I had wore and put on some jeans and a T-shirt. I walked down stairs and found my 5 year-old little sister, Wendy playing with her dolls.

"Natsu pway (Play) dollies with me?" She couldn't pronounce her 'L's or 'R's correctly yet so she sounded really cute.

"Natsu doesn't have time right now, Wendy." I told her softly.

She pouted and gave me puppy eyes. "But me want Natsu to pway dollies with me!"

Her eyes always worked on me. "Fine but only for a little while, I have to go see Lucy."

"Yay! Does Natsu wuv (Love) Wucy-San (Lucy) becwause (because) he always pway with her?" She asked wide eyed.

"Pfft... What? No!" Why was she asking this? And why does my face feel warm.

"Liaw (Liar) Then why is you face going all wed? (Red)". She said back smiling.

"Uhh... Because I'm too warm." I scratched the back of my head awkwardly and looked at the ceiling.

She raised her eyebrows. "Weah wight! (Yeah right!) Won't wie (don't lie) to me!" I swear that she could actually be a 18 year old in a 5-year-olds body sometimes!

After playing "Dollies" with her for half an hour, I started to feel a little light headed. I stood up to find my Mother, Grandeeney. I started heading upstairs and then I had a weird feeling in my chest.

"Muuum!" Was all I managed to shout before I blacked out.

Sorry for the Short Chapter! I'll make it up to you!
A/N: O.o What do you think happened? What do you think was wrong? Find out in the next chapter! Remember to vote! Also sorry for the short chapter! It was this or nothing sooo.... I decided a short chapter will do for now!

15 votes and I'll add another chapter!

Arigato for reading! Bub-bye! (^_^)/

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