Chapter 2 - Natsu Dragneel

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A/N: This has been edited, I changed the school name ^_^

Natsu's P.O.V

We were getting closer to the school and I could see the playground. Lucy was still on my back, holding on for dear life, almost choking me.

"Do you want down now?" I asked her.

"Okay." She loosened her grip around my neck and slid of. I turned around and she was straightening her uniform. Lucy was wearing a white shirt with a yellow tie, a grey skirt, white knee high socks, shiny black slip on school shoes finished off with a burgundy/reddish blazer with the schools logo on the pocket.
I was wearing the same white shirt and yellow tie, with grey trousers, black shoes and the same blazer. We were getting nearer the school when I noticed Lucy was getting closer to me. She held onto my arm tightly as we walked through the gates that had golden writing saying ' Hargeon Elementary'.
When we walked through the gates some kids turned their heads to look at us and then continued on with their games.
"Will they be nice to us?" Lucy whispered.

"I think so.." I hope so. I thought to myself.

A girl with red hair put into 2 braids came over to us. She smiled at me but not in a friendly way. When she noticed Lucy clinging onto my arm she rolled her giant red eyes.

"I'm Flare come hang out with us." She said indicating to the people at a bench. There were 4 boys sitting there. They all looked pretty - what's the word- shady! They all had a that look to them. 1 of the boys had black hair all over the place and had menacing eyes quite like Flares. Another guy was short and quite chubby. He had blond hair and again looked a bit, off. The 2 other guys had their backs to us and had hoods up. Very shady, I thought to myself.

"No thanks." I said to Flare.
Her eyes widened, even though I thought that was impossible.

"Is it because of this, pest?" She asked looking towards Lucy with disgust. She then leaned towards Lucy and ripped her hands off of my arm.

"HEY! WHAT D'YA THINK YOUR DOING!" I screamed at her.

"Ridding you of this pest." My anger was starting to build up now.

"Who do you think your calling a pest? The only one pestering me is you!" I said to her.

"What's she to you anyway, your girlfriend?" Lucy's face flushed red as Flare said this.

"I don't have to answer you!" I said calmly and walked away holding Lucy's hand.

I could feel her creepy eyes on my back boring into me as we walked away. I heard her make a sound of annoyance.

It was quite sunny and I could see Lucy squint her eyes because of the sun so I looked around for a place to sit. I scanned the playground with a hand above my eyes shielding them from the sun.

I found the perfect spot. "Aha! Come on Luce follow me!" I said to her tugging on her arm. I ran up a grassy hill and helped Lucy up and sat under a big tree. Lucy sat down beside me.

"Thank you." She said as her cheeks flushed a shade of pink.

"For what?" I asked.

"For sticking up for me."

"Isn't that what bestest, bestest, best friends are for? Luigi!" I said her name wrong deliberately.

Luigi is one of my nicknames for her when I tease her because the first time we met I thought she had said 'Luigi' because she was talking so quietly.


Little Natsu was playing football in the park by himself when he kicked the ball in the wrong direction and it went into the forest. He ran after it and couldn't find it. He stopped for a second and looked around him. he could hear faint sobbing in the distance.

"Hello?" He called out. "Is anybody there?"

He started to walk in the direction he believed the sobbing was coming from to find a little blond-haired girl crying with her knees to her chest.

"Hello? Are you okay?" He asked bending down to her level.

She looked up at him with tears streaming down her face.

"What's wrong?" Natsu asked her.

"I..... d-don' I... I.... am." She said between sobs and hiccups.

"What's your name? Are you lost then?" He asked her sweetly.

"My names L-Lushy." She said quietly.

"So your lost then Luigi?" The pink-haired boy asked.

The girl started giggling. Natsu looked at her confused.

"What?" He asked her.

"That's not my name!" She said.

"Oh is it not? Then What is it?"

"My name is Lucy!"

"Okay then Woosy? Let's try and get you home."
After 10 minutes of explaining what her name was

Natsu had led Lucy out of the trees and into a clearing.

"Do you recognise this place?" He asked her.

She shook her head 'no' in response, while clinging to his arm.

After Natsu had found a place she'd recognised, he walked her home.

Lucy knocked on her door, still holding onto Natsu. Her mother answered.

"Oh My Goodness! Lucy-chan where have you been? I couldn't find you at the park." Her mother said sternly but sweetly at the same time.

"I got losted in the trees and then Natsu finded me and bringed me home." Lucy said to her mother.

"Oh thank you Natsu! Please come in and get some dinner!" Her mother said to the boy.


Ever since that day Natsu and Lucy have been like to peas in a pod!


A/N: Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment! Buuuuuu-Byyyyeeee!
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