It can wait

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The following weeks went better than either of them expected. They somewhat returned to as good a place as they ever would. They held hands during Landslide, they went on stage together, they hugged and smiled at each other, they weren't afraid to do that simply because it felt natural to them, while to others it didn't look like it at all. Like Stevie had said many times before, when they were performing they got to have their love affair, because that's where it all stopped. After that night they spent together at the very beginning of the tour, they hadn't slept together again not even once. It wasn't that they didn't want to, but an extra set of eyes started following them everywhere they went. Joe just showed up one day and remained by Stevie's side. All that Stevie and Lindsey had left where a couple of stolen kisses, when it was too dark to see or they were absolutely sure no one was around. 

Lindsey finished playing Never Going Back Again and usually he would change guitars and get back to his place for Christine's song, but something about that night was different. He knew it was a risky move, Joe was definitely watching from aside and this might very well get Stevie in a lot of trouble, but he made his way over to her, placing his hand on her shoulder and kissed her hair. 

"I love you." She could barely hear him say. 

She looked at him with her eyes wide, when he pulled away to get his other guitar. From Lindsey her eyes went straight to Joe, standing in the wings, who turned around and left. She wanted to run after him and explain this was planned, that this was just something for the fans, but there simply wasn't enough time. She just hoped to find him in the hotel, because he might as well be on his way to the airport.

When the show ended, Lindsey rushed to Stevie's dressing room, praying she hadn't left yet, he wanted to apologize for his irresponsible behavior. He didn't wait for her to let him in as he barged in and stopped dead in his tracks.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" He looked away immediately. He didn't walk in on Stevie and Joe, but seeing them kissing and hands wandering was enough. He repeated to himself that she had to smooth things over and that's exatly what she was doing. 

"Have you heard of knocking?" Joe began fastening the buttons of his shirt, while Stevie adjusted her top. 

"I just honestly didn't think... Um..."

"What do you want?"

"I wanted to talk to Stevie about something." Lindsey said, but didn't elaborate.

"If you're expecting me to leave, you can think again." Stevie wanted to take a seat next to Joe, but he made sure she landed in his lap. 

"On the other hand, it can wait."

"You sure? It seemed like you were going to tell us the building's on fire a minute ago!" Joe was definitely irritated and Stevie took his hand, squeezing it, asking him to calm down. 

"I..." Lindsey had to think of something quick. "Mick and I had a word, discussing some changes to the set list and he asked me to get Stevie, that's all."

"I hope that discussion involved ditching that song, after which you went to grope the woman I'm going to marry soon."

"Lindsey didn't grope me." 

"Of course he didn't! It was prearranged for the audience, right?"

"Will you just drop it please?" She sounded exhausted and pleading Joe not to start a fight.

"You should get your things, we're leaving."

"I apologize if it made you feel uncomfortable." Lindsey said to Joe. "Everything we do out there, we don't mean it, honestly."

"You know, I would appreciate it if you didn't get as near Stevie, because you're right, it's making me uncomfortable. I don't want to argue with you and most certainly I don't want to fight with Stevie over this, but you two are leaving me with no other choice. This has to stop and I mean it."

Lindsey sighed, having nothing else to say, and looked over at Stevie. "I'll see you tomorrow." She nodded, letting him know that's all he's going to get and he turned around to leave.

Stevie felt Joe's arms around her waist and she stilled, shutting her eyes tightly not to let any tears fall. He moved her hair to her front and pressed his lips to the back of her neck. Her head fell back, giving him more access. It wasn't that she felt nothing when he touched her, just that he wasn't Lindsey. His fingers grasped her chin gently and turned her face so he could kiss her. 

"Is this how it's always going to be?" He asked, pulling away and taking both her hands in his. "Am I always going to have to fight for you?"

"Do you want me to lie to you?"

"Tell me the truth. I want to know how you truly feel. I wasn't wrong to be insecure, was I?"

She shook her head, looking down. "I thought I could fall in love with you, Joe, and I tried. You've changed so much, sometimes I question it if it's really you. But I'm already in love with Lindsey. I'm with you, because I can't have him, but I want to be loved and I want to have someone to go home to as well, like he does."

"I know that."

"You do?" 

"I'm not stupid." He smiled sadly, pulling her in a hug. Now was as good a time as any to be completely open. She backed off, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. She had never looked more guilty about anything in her life and surprisingly, he knew her well enough to understand. He silenced her, shaking his head slightly. "Don't say it."


"I know what you want to tell me, but I don't want to hear it."

"Joe, I..."

"Did it happen more than once?"

"Just once." 


"Okay? Joe, it's not okay!"

"No, you're right, but I forgive you."

"Why?" She cried out, almost wishing he had yelled at her instead. 

"Because I love you like you love him."

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