Chapter 5

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❀Deku's POV❀

I can't believe I'm actually doing this... This is absolutely crazy! What if they figure out my plan... Holy crap what if they make me kill someone.... Oh man, oh man, oh man, I didn't think this through all the way!
My thoughts where going wild as I began thinking out every possible scenario that could possibly happen. I guess I began mumbling at some point but that didn't faze me at all until someone broke my thoughts.
"What are you rambling on about?" I heard a males voice say, breaking my thoughts. I quickly look up and notice someone who I've never seen before. He was tall, probably around 6'1 or 6'2, something like that and he had black and white hair, it was kinda like todoroki's but it wasn't exactly half n half. He also had two ruby red eyes. "Hello...? You there er what?" He spoke aging breaking my thoughts once again.
"...O-oh, yeah I.... I'm still here..." I stuttered out as I watched the man walk towards me. He muttered something under his breath slightly before kneeling down in front of me to get down to my level.
"My name is Axel, I'm not really from here hint the name... But I was brought here by the l.o.v a while ago..." He said as he began reaching his hand out towards me.
I nodded my head slightly but quickly flinched away as his hand began moving towards me. Was he gonna hurt me now? I did say I was gonna join... Right? My thoughts took over once again but I was snapped out of them by the feeling of the man's hand on my forehead. "Stop mumbling it's really annoying...." He growled slightly before closing his eyes.
"U-uhm... What are you-?" He cut me off with a quick hush and continued whatever he was doing. This is so awkward... This somewhat hot looking guy named Axel was kneeling down right in front of me with one of his hands on my forehead doing god knows what.
After what felt like forever the awkward silence was finally broken. "Done." Axel said as he finally moved his hand off of my forehead. I looked at him a bit confused. "Try and move your arms...." He motioned down to my shattered arms.
"But there-" I was cut off again by this guy and it was honestly starting to get on my nerves.
"I know... They 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 broken but now there not." He said with a slight shug of his shoulders as he got off of his knees and sat down in front of me criss cross applesauce style.
"There not...?" I repeatedly stupidity as the guy in front of me nodded his head slightly and gave me the "are you slow er what" Look. I looked down to my arms slightly and now that I think about it they don't hurt any more. "They don't hurt." I muttered to myself before I began undoing the bandages on my arms. Once they where off I began slowly flexing my arms.
After a couple seconds of touching and flexing my arms out I began smiling. "Woah... This is even better than what recovery girl can do." I muttered to myself with a soft smile.
"Who's recovery girl?" Axel asked as he tilted his head slightly.
"Oh uh.... She's the nurse at u.a..." I looked at the guy slightly and he only gave me a slight nod.
"Cool..." He began getting up. Once he was up he let out a sigh. "Shigaraki told me to take you to him once I was done healing you so come on."
"Oh... Ok..." I began panicking a bit but I quickly calmed myself down. I mean I can't be caught panicking every time I've gotta go talk to someone from the league cause first of all that's gonna look a bit sus and second of all... I'm now technically a villain... I mentally cringed at how I had just called myself a villain. I know I'm just acting but so many things can go wrong and I never trained for this... I've only ever trained to be a hero.
"God... Stop mumbling!" Axel almost yelled as he glared at me.
"S-sory.... It's a bad habit I have..." I said as I bowed my head slightly to look down at the ground.
"Whatever... It's fine." He grabbed my wrist, pulling me up into a standing position before he began dragging me along.
I winced slightly as he grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me along but I didn't really say anything. As we walked out of the room I had been kept in I began looking around.
I was currently being pulled down a long hallway. The floor was wooden and it made a creaking noise almost every other step. The walls where plain white except for the occasional stain of what I'm guessing was blood and the parts where the paint had been chipped away.
After a couple minutes of walking down the long hallway we eventually made it to a doorway that led to a bunch of stairs going up. I'm guessing they kept me in the basement...
The two of us headed up the stairs that eventually led into a room that looked kinda like a bar. "He's over there." Axel said as he let go of my wrist and pointed over to the bar stools.
My eyes followed where he was pointing and I eventually saw the oh so very familiar fadded blueish grey hair of my worst enemy... "Thanks..." I muttered quietly before I slowly began making my way over to shigaraki.
I wasn't even halfway there when shigaraki turned in his seat and faced me. "Ah, you're finally here." He probably had one of the most sickening grins on his face, it made my stomach turn. "C'mon, take a seat by me. I've got some things to discuss with my new member." He said as he patted the stool besides him.
I gulped slightly but did what he said. I quickly mad my way to the stool but before sitting on it I scooted it away from him slightly so I wouldn't be so close. Once I felt like it was a good distance I sat down.
"..... Why did you move so far away...?" He looked over to me and I gave him a confused look.
"I'm not that far..." I said as I looked between the distance I put between us. It was probably about 4 feet but I wouldn't call that far...
Shigaraki gave me a strange look before letting out a sigh. "Whatever..." He muttered before he took the hand off of his face, placing it down besides him. "You're now a villain." He said out of nowhere causing my stomach to turn a bit more.
"Oh... Uh yeah... I know." I said, trying my best no to make him suspicious of me. He smirked a bit and picked up a glass of some type of alcohol and took a sip of it. "What about it..?"
He placed the glass down once he was done and looked over to me again. "Then you should know that I am now you're leader, right?" I nodded my head. "This means you have to do whatever I say." He now has a shit eating grin on his face. Oh god... I really wanna puke right now.
"Do I.... Will you... Will you make me kill...?"
He paused for a moment.
"No... Not yet at least..." I look at him a bit confused.
"Huh? Why not?" I was so confused. Why wasn't he gonna make me kill. He sighed and leaned forward on the counter a bit.
"Because... Not even two days ago you where pretty content on being a hero. It would be pretty hard to get rid of all of your hero morals in a short amount of time, so I'm gonna slowly introduce you to the ways of a villain.... I'm gonna let you wonder around our base and do simple tasks until I see you are trust worthy enough and then I'll let you out so you can go on smaller missions with us, but until then you're gonna stay inside and do whatever I need." He took another sip of his alcohol as I began processing everything he just said.
"So I'm pretty much just going to be your little personal servant until you trust me enough to go outside...?"
"Yeah... Pretty much." He smirked over at me slightly before he stood up and began walking off. "C'mon. Follow me." He called out as he slowly began making his way over to another set of stairs that went up.
As Shigaraki made his way up the stairs I slowly followed behind him, wondering where he was taking me but most importantly.... How big is this place!? From what I've seen this place has about 3 stories probably more and both the basement and first floor have a lot of space. How much space do these guys need?
We finally made it up the stairs and boy am I glad that I am physically fit er else I'm pretty sure these stairs would be the death of me. I let out a soft sigh and continued following Shigaraki. We where walking down a long hallway... Kinda like the one in the basement except there was no dried blood on the walls and there where a lot more doors leading who knows where. So pretty much just the basement except a lot nicer.
After a couple seconds of walking Shigaraki finally stopped outside of a door he looked at me slightly before opening it. "You'll be staying here." He said as he moved out of the way so I could look in.
It was a fairly good sized room with plenty of space. There where no windows so I'm guessing my room probably isn't facing a street or outside at least which is a bit of a bummer. I was hoping they'd be stupid enough to put me in a room with a window so I could escape quicker but I guess villains can actually have a brain... Or it's just a huge coincidence.
I look at Shigaraki slightly before walking into the room a bit further. It had a wooden floor and now that I'm in all the way I can see that there is a twin sized bed over in the corner. It had plain white sheets and and a black blanket.... No style what so ever... Tho I probably shouldn't be speaking... Style isn't really my strong suit. That's more of a Mina thing but I'm pretty sure if she was here now she'd say the same thing.
I snicker to myself lightly before I walked towards the bed. Just because it looked relatively nice doesn't mean it's feels nice so I gotta make sure.
As I walked towards the bed I heard Shigaraki let out a somewhat annoyed sigh. "Get comfortable er whatever but don't be loud... I'm right next door to you and I'm fucking exhausted." He muttered before he turned away. "Oh and your work starts tomorrow morning so make sure you're up early." He muttered just loud enough for me to hear before he closed the door and left.
I groan and flop down on my bed. "Stupid villain making me do work..." I muttered to myself as I staired up at the ceiling. How is he even tired tho...? Isn't it like the afternoon or something like that? I roll over on my bed and let out another groan. I haven't been outside in a couple days and I haven't seen a single clock or anything like that so I'm guessing it could be any time. I'm not really sure... But what I am sure about is that I'm starving, I'm not tired at all and I'm extremely bored.
The bastards haven't given me a single thing to eat the whole time I've been here. They've only given me water which really sucks and there is nothing to do in this room so I'm pretty much stuck here being bored and hungry. Shigaraki did say I could wonder this place but I'm not really in the mood to have a 'nice' little walk around a villain infestated building... It's not really on my to do list.
I sigh and close my eyes. I miss my mom and my friends so much.... I hope they find me soon... Tears began forming in my eyes but I quickly wiped them away. No. I have to be strong. Crying like this won't get me anywhere. I quickly sit up on my bed and begin brainstorming a bunch of ideas on how to gain the villains trust without doing anything too illegal. It was a pretty good way to keep my mind away from my sad thoughts but I also would have to do this sooner or later so why not do it now.

Jeez this is my longest chapter yet, it took me forever to write but I hope you liked it.

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