chapter 8

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I'm back from the dead lol but anyways here's chapter 8 ^-^


❀back at U.A. again❀
❀Momo's POV❀

Ever since the news came out that the pro's and police had stopped looking for deku the atmosphere changed in class again, it was almost crushing. Everyone kept to themselves most the time and only talked if they had too tho there where a few people in class who where always whispering to each other, it was both a mixture of Bakusquad and dekusqaud like todoroki, Mina, Tsu, ururaka and a few others which was really strange. Not strange because they've never talked to each other before, no, strange because no one else talks except them now of days.... It's a bit strange...
I shake my head slightly, clearing my thoughts a bit. Whatever they where doing was none of my business, maybe that's just how they where coping with the loss of deku.... I sighed a bit, just mentioning his name made me even sadder.
"Thinking of him...?" I heard jiro ask from behind me. I nod my head a bit not even turning to face her, I wasn't even that close to him but I guess loosing him was kinda a wake-up call for every one. Anyone of us at any moment could end up like deku... Kidnapped and maybe even worse... Kil- I quickly cut off my thoughts, not wanting to think of all the possibilities that could have happened to him.
"... I hope he's ok..." I mumbled softly before I felt jiro wrap her arms around my shoulders.
"Just... Try not to think of him too much... I'm sure he's doing fine..." She whispered softly before she gently pulled away. I sighed a bit before looking over to her and giving her a soft smile. I hope she's right because if anything where to happen to him none of us would ever be the same...

❀With da lov❀
❀Kurogiri's POV❀

It's been a while since the green haired child has joined the lov and let me just say I don't know why shiggy was and still is so mad that we kidnapped the wrong boy, I mean the kid is extremely helpful and nice, he's waay better than the others.... Hopefully no one else finds out that I prefer the small green bean over everyone else, I'm pretty sure that would start a mini war... Anyways... Izuku is pretty helpful when it comes to cleaning, honestly he'd make a pretty good house wife if he was a girl, well... Minus the cooking part... He nearly burned down our hideout when we let him in the kitchen but other than that he's really good, he does most of my chores without complaining honestly he's done more work than any of the others have in years.
"Uhh, kurogiri sir? I've finished cleaning the glasses. Is there anything else you want me to do?" I heard izuku say before I heard the final glass being put away.
I smile a bit but my quirk made it so you couldn't really tell. "No, I don't have anything else for you so you can go now, but make sure to check in with shigaraki, make sure he doesn't have anything else for you." I said as I stood up from where I was seated. He gave me a small nod and a smile before he disappeared up the stairs to go look for shigaraki... God, what a lovely addition to the league, we should have done this year's ago.

❀Deku's POV❀

I let out a long sigh as I trudge up the stairs to get to shigaraki's room, I hope he's there cause I really don't wanna wonder around the base trying to look for him for two very good reasons...
1. This place is HUGE! {I've gotten lost several times}
2. Most of the villains still don't accept me....
Ugh it sucks here... I groan internally as I make it to the top of the stairs. Once I was to the top I began walking down the hall, quietly hoping that shigaraki was in his room.
After a minute I made it to his room. I let out a soft sigh then knocked on the door before I began waiting for a "come in" Or a "what" But it never came.
Damn it- i-i mean dang it... Crap being around all these villains is starting to corrupt me... Ugh, I need out of this place before I loose it...
I slowly began walking away from shigaraki's room so I could go look around for him since I'm not aloud to go to my room or do anything without asking shigaraki aka my new mom permission to be done with my chores er whatever. What a waste of time... I groaned a bit before I rounded the corner, just about to walk down the stairs but I quickly stopped when I saw shigaraki. "Ah sir... I was just about to go looking for you." ....Yes I did just say sir... I don't know why but he's super strict about what I call him now. I either call him sir or I don't get to address him at all... It's stupid...
"Ugh brat..." He let out an annoyed groan.... Jeez no need to be so rude... I don't wanna see you either... "What is it, what did you want?" He continued in a bit of a snappy tone as if he was in a hurry or something.
"Oh yeah... I just wanted to see if I'm done with my chores for the day...?" I asked slightly as I watched him pass me.
"Yeah whatever you can be done I don't care but I need you to come with me..." I did a little cheer in my head before I stopped.
"You... Need me to... Come with you?" I was confused but I began to follow behind him. "For what?" I asked again tho I only got a small grunt in response. What does he need with me? Oh is he finally gonna discuss me finally going outside!... Nah, to soon... They don't trust me that much yet so... What could it be? Did I do something wrong!? Am I gonna get punished!? But what did I do? I don't remember doing anything... My thoughts where going wild and before I knew it I had began muttering.
"Oh my god, you didn't do anything you annoying brat, I just need you to come and help me and the others plan an attack since you know so much about those damn hero's!" Shigaraki said loudly breaking my thoughts.
"O-oh...." Was all I could muster out. I can't believe he wants my help with something like this, this is like... Super big! Wait... If he wants my help with something like this... Then that must mean there starting to trust me more... Yesss! I mean this is a bit of a bad thing since now I'm to the point where I'm going to have to betray my friends and all the hero's but once I gain all of there trust I'll finally be able to break free and go back to the hero's... Who knew being kidnapped would be so... So hard yet... Interesting at the same time!
"Oi... We're here..." Shigaraki said as he stopped outside of a room with two big double doors. Oh I remember going by this room many times. I've never really known the purpose of it but know I'm guessing this is where they hold there evil little meetings. "Before we go in let me just make some things clear..." He began walking towards me in a very menacing way causing me to back up until my back hit the wall on the opposite side of the hall.
He suddenly slammed his hands down on either side of me trapped me between him and the wall. Normally i wouldn't be so intimidated but right now I have no quirk so this is like 3 times scarier than it should be. "In that room is a bunch of villains who are here for a good ass plan so we can take down some stupid pro's and make a name for ourselves. I honestly don't even want you to be here but the stupid vampire bitch {Toga} said you might have some useful info on the hero's. That's the only reason why I'm bringing you, but if you don't have anything useful to say in there don't even think of opening that damn mouth of yours, I don't need you to embarrass me." He hissed in anger as he glared me down.
Not even gonna lie I'm kinda scared. I don't think I've ever seen shigaraki like this before, it's very intimidating. "Yeah ok, I understand.... You won't even know I'm there." I say with an uncomfortable smile as I looked back at the taller male.
He tskd slightly before rolling his eyes and moving away from me. "Whatever, just come on." He grumbled slightly before opening one of the doors to the room.
I followed after him and once I was in I was in awe... In awe of how freakishly boring the room was.... For such big doors I was honestly kinda expecting something a bit more... I don't know... Less boring but I guess being a villain means having a bunch of big boring rooms.
I sighed a bit and looked around the room a bit. There splat in the middle was a big oval table with a bunch of villains sitting around it. Shigaraki sat down at the top of the table and looked out at the others while I stood here awkwardly... I wasn't really sure where to go since this was my very first meeting like ever... I've never been to something so important before much less with a bunch of villains.
I looked at them for a few seconds noticing a few people I knew like toga, dabi, twice, and a few others that I recognized from the training camp attack before I saw shigaraki slightly wave his hand, gesturing me to get over there. I did what he wanted and walked towards him. "Stop standing like a lost puppy and take a fucking seat..." He growled before slightly pointing to an empty seat that was on his left. I nodded a bit then took my seat awkwardly. Some of the villains where glancing over at me probably because they'v either never seen me before or they knew I obviously didn't belong here but that didn't really matter.
"Ok everyone, listen up." Shigaraki said before standing up from his seat and glaring down at everyone. "Our last mission  was fucking awful. You all fucking suck." All the villains took what he said to heart and began getting really mad at him.
Wow... What a great way to start off a meeting...
"Shut up!" He yelled impatiently. He waited for the room to go silent again before he continued. "None of you did anything right at the camp, not only did you get the wrong brat..." He glared over at Mr. compress and dabi for a couple moments before looking away. "But you also managed to get your ass's beat by some damn high school kids!"
He was mad.... Like super duper mad. I was honestly kinda surprised that he could make such faces without his crusty face breaking even more.
"But that's in the past now..." He quickly calmed down and that was even more shocking, I honestly couldn't believe how fast he cooled down. "This time we will manage to beat those hero's and destroy the dreams of those wanna be hero's.... With the help of two things..."
All the villains including me looked at shigaraki curiously. We all wanted to know what he was thinking. After what seemed like hours shigaraki finally tossed something onto the table, it was.... My note book!? How'd he get that!?
"This note book has a bunch of important information on a bunch of the pro's so this will be crucial for planning something out but that's not all...." He looked at me slightly before he pointed towards me. "This boy right here is also very important for us. He knows almost everything about the pro's and everything on the wannabe brats as well." He said with an evil smirk on his face....
I'm not really liking where this is going.... I mean I knew he wanted me to help out with the plan kinda by telling them what I know but the look on his face.... I really don't like it....

I am so very sorry for how long this took to come out. I was really busy with my school and I was going through a writers block, I am very sorry but I am back now ^-^
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If everything goes well the next chapter should be out next week ^-^

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