Chapter 12: You Catch More Flies With Honey

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Hey guys, I am thinking of making a second book to continue the series.

I want to have a pre Harry Potter phase, and then when Harry Potter is at Hogwarts for the second book.

And I know I can't do it in this one.

So if you have any advice, please comment down below.

Other than that, enjoy the story.


"Hello, Athena."

I quickly look up to find Dumbledore staring at me. I could see his crooked nose and his thin silver hair. If it wasn't for his hand holding back his beard, I think it would be in my face.

I quickly got up.

"Are you not suppose to be helping Professor Sinistra," his voice trailed of entertained at me being troubled.

"Headmaster Dumbledore. I was just resting and..." I put my head down. "I am sorry, Headmaster."

He puts his hand up, calling out to Professor Sinistra. "Could I borrow Profesor Cullens for a bit?"

Professor Sinistra was somewhat confused, but she had agreed to allow me to leave. We began to walk as I stayed next to him, not knowing what was going on.

"Is there something the matter, Headmaster?" I was genuinely confused as to why he had called me out.

We walked closer to his office, and I saw the pale moonlight reflect onto the floor illuminating our path.

"Does something need to be wrong for me to talk to you?" He chirped. His eyes, however, said something different. I was unsure of what, but I knew something was up.

We began to enter his office when I saw Severus there. I did my best to restrain my surprise, but Dumbledore could tell.

He was almost laughing at my reaction. But he stopped when he saw my gaze.

Severus stood there in his long blue vest and nice black pants. His eyes, however, looked tired, and so did the rest of his body.

His hair was also somewhat unkept, which was new to see. He looked at me with the same eyes I now hated.

I looked away, letting out a tsk sound.

Severus noticed this and was confused by this action.

I felt an aura of suspicion, and a dense wave of pressure fell onto the room.

What was going on?

"Professor Cullens, I was wondering if you wish to discuss anything new that has been happening?" Dumbledore made his way to the desk where the box laid there.

What was in the box?

My face contorted at this question.

What did they mean?

"Well, I am unaware of what you are talking about?" I begin to walk forward, my heels stepping and echoing as i get close to Dumbledore's desk.

The box looked familiar, but I couldn't remember.

"Well, it seems you are either playing stupid or are stupid," Severus said in an angry tone. His face scowled, and I could see he was fuming. I did not have any patience for his attitude.

"I don't know what is going on, but can you stop acting like a, what the Americans call a..."

Dumbledore interrupted me before I continued my sentence. He shot us a glare in which we both understood we should stop talking.

Sincerely, Yours My Half-Blood Prince Book 1 (Severus Snape x  OC )Where stories live. Discover now