Chapter 6: The Banshee's Cry

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Happy Monday or Tuesday since I am uploading this so late. I am delighted how this turned out and hope you enjoy it!

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September 2

Athena POV

I woke up to the sound of my clock ringing out in my room. The time was 6:30 am, and sadly I barely got any sleep last night.

Maybe it was because I was getting used to everything, especially sleeping without having someone blow up your room.

I laughed at that fond memory. A story for another time.

Pushing myself up, I decided what I should do so early in the morning. I had already finished unloading all my clothes and setting up all my books. And I didn't want to read surprisingly.

Maybe if I workout I could relax for a bit.

I quickly put on black sweats and an old t-shirt that said AHa- a muggle band that I had gone to when I was stationed in London.

The music was pretty magical for muggles.

After about an hour of working out and destressing from my tragic night of no sleep, I get ready for the day.

After getting myself dressed and unsticking myself from the early morning sweat workout, I began preparing for my first-day teaching.

I place my hair down, allowing for it to be natural for today. I placed my black dress on and my morning sweater on.

 I placed my black dress on and my morning sweater on

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(Hair and Dress that Athena would be in)

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(Hair and Dress that Athena would be in)

As i looked in the mirror, I could feel a glimpse of her.

My face slowly starts to sweat, and I begin to panic.

"Calm down, Athena. She is not here. You are not her."

I gathered up all my papers and began to head out. Before I left, I realized I left the letter to Remus on the coffee table.

Grabbing the letter, I began to make my way out of my room finally. Locking my door, I see Severus also coming out.

"Good morning Professor," I say happily, trying to throw him off.

He frowned and was not pleased with this. However, I was ecstatic by his response, making my day a little brighter.

Sincerely, Yours My Half-Blood Prince Book 1 (Severus Snape x  OC )Where stories live. Discover now