Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

It'd been two weeks already,Lou and I are close as ever; and you guessed it, dating. I had gotten very close with Perry too,  Kenzie's always extremely busy with family plans and after school things so I'm not as close. Perry is so sweet, but she bottles up a lot of emotions and nobody seems to notice except for me. I don't say much to her about it, but anytime someone says something in a joking matter that could be taken offensively her eyes show somewhat of a flash of hurt, and wanting to cry but she puts on a smile and laughs it off. For example, just the other day Kenzie and her were talking at lunch about their math quiz grades, and perry had barely passed; then Kenzie joked and said "oh Perry, sometimes you're so stupid," and Perry had her look, then laughed and nodded in agreement. A lot of people seemed to call her stupid, and I'm guessing after a while it really does hurt. I mean if I was her, it'd hurt. She just doesn't stand up for herself, doesn't speak up and say that she hates it. 

"Denise!"  Lou partially screamed to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Oh-what? Yeah, hm?" I stuttered trying to recover and return to reality.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" he asked, realizing I wasn't listening to whatever he was saying to me. I shook my head, he sighed then smiled. He'd been sighing a lot lately, and hadn't been his upbeat self. He kept questioning me on everything, asking 'are you sure?' or, 'what do you mean?' or, 'are you okay?'. 

"Oh, D-baybay," D-baybay was my nickname from Kenzie, she continued after addressing me, "Perry and I are gonna' have a girls night, do you want to come?" 

I smiled, "sure," 

"Maybe you can help me tutor Perry's small little brain," she said poking Perry's head gently. There it was again, what seemed to be her signiture look that only I seemed to see, that flash of hurt then fake smile. 

"Kenzie, let go of the stupid jokes on her, okay?" I said, trying to sound calm even though I wanted to burst on everyone at the table who said things like this to her, they can't even see that they're hurting her. Perry looked at me, a slight smile tugging on her lips, she mouthed 'thank you' and then spoke up, 

"Oh Denise it's fine, I don't care," she fake smiled, looking to Kenzie for approval, or atleast that's what it looked like.

"There's my baby, looking out for others," Lou chirped in, placing his arm around my shoulders, forcing me closer to him. I smiled, then he released is grip on me and started eating again. It was Friday, but I wasn't in the 'friday mood' I guess you could say. It was raining, as usual, and clouds covered the sky like colors covered children books. 

I glanced around the cafeteria, spotting Zayn in his normal corner; all alone. Even with having a couple classes with him, I couldn't get that boy to crack. Every now and then he'd fight back a smile, then look away from my eyes. I'd grown to notice little things he did though, that were so unique to him. Like every time he walked up the stairs he went two steps at a time, then down the stairs he'd go fast down each step he took. Or how he always had one necklace on, with a ying yang symbol hanging from it; very simple design. Or that he wrote his y's making the y have a curl at the bottom of it. He never played in gym either, he always sat in the bleachers choosing to fail the class. However he seemed like an excellent writer, he was in my english class. Everytime we'd write something, it was like he was taken to another world. Then after school he wrote in a notebook while he had earbuds in, and he almost silently hummed. 

"Come on, let's go to class," Louis spoke, not with his normal tone but with a saddened tone instead. 

I gave Zayn one last look, catching his eye, causing a smile to form on my face before I took off with Louis. 


I walked out of school, trying to get out of the building faster than Louis. I just wanted to talk to Zayn, without being questioned or pulled away by Louis.

And there he was, as always; underneath a rather large tree on a bench, writing away. The tree was so large and thick it seemed to block out almost all of the rain, so he didn't worry about that. I strolled over trying to dodge the rain, or the drizzle now. I sat down next to him, and he raised his eyes to meet mine. His eyes were a chocolate brown, but more of a dark chocolate. It showcased his personality perfectly; intriguing and mysterious. I was very good at reading people's emotions, except with him the only thing I saw was pain. Pain was obviously evident in his life, but what I couldn't read was why, why he had pain. Why he never spoke, and tried not to smile. 

"Hi," I said, trying to break the sound of just the rain droplets slowly hitting the already soaked ground. He took out his earbuds, and closed his notebook, my stomach was doing flips and turns, was he actually going to say something to me? I'd craved hearing his voice ever since he said 'Zayn,' in the first health class. It was just a name, it was only a four letter word even. But I still couldn't get that deep, husky voice to leave my mind. It seemed to match his look perfectly, badboy. I could tell he wasn't really a 'bad boy' though, he seems like he'd be sweet, if he actually gave someone a chance. 

He nodded, causing his gelled, raven hair to slightly shift it's position. "How was your day?" I asked simply, trying to atleast get him to say one word, just one word. He shrugged, looking into my eyes; this was the first time we'd actually looked at each other for more then half of a second. I normally look right away when people try to look me straight in the eyes, I found it uncomfortable; however with Zayn I seemed paralyzed, and melting at the same time. 

His tan skin was so even, without a flaw on his face; except one scar that was on his right cheek, it was barely noticable but the most prominent feature at the same time. 

"What're you writing?" I urged him to speak again, hoping for the best. It was like I was one of the top two on American Idol waiting for the host to say the winner, the hope was slowly decreasing as I saw he didn't look like he was going to reply. I decided maybe I'd ask him another question, maybe I'd crack him, but as soon as I opened my mouth I was interupted by his voice.

"Why?" he asked, filling all my hopes and desires yet I still craved for more. 

"Why what?" I honestly had no idea what else to say, nor did I know what he was talking about.

"Why do you keep trying?"

It registered now. But, I should ask myself the same, why was I trying? Maybe it was the way he kept me hanging on for two weeks just by saying his name. Or maybe it was the way he would almost smile by me talking to him, even though he never responded. Or maybe it was his eyes that caused me to melt everytime I met them. 

"I'm nothing special, I promise you," he spoke again; but what a lie he told. He was special, otherwise I would've given up much earlier. He was special, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting on this bench in the cold rain, trying to get answers for everything that was unknown to me. It was my turn to ask the questions, his turn to answer.

"Why don't you ever talk to me?" It was a good starting question, I figured.

He shifted uncomfortably, looking back to me, with a look of pain striking his face even more. 

"Complicated," he replied, after taking a moment to think.

"How so?" 

It took him another minute to think of how to respond, "Nobody's ever cared this much, you know,"

I tilted my head a bit, showcasing my confusion. Of course I cared, how could anybody not? This boy was broken.

"I think people might, if you gave them a chance," I said honestly, he shrugged again. "How about you start easy?" I asked, he looked at me, tilting his head like I had just seconds ago. 

"By giving me a chance?"

He nodded, and then for the first time, on a rainy gloomy day, he smiled; causing the mood to light up, as if the sun were finally peaking out from beneath the clouds.

A/N: I decided to add two chapters today, yay! Hahah, just because the people who actually read this are amazing and perfect in every way and ily. Alllrigght, hope you liked it! Please comment/fan/vote, thankyou :) xox 

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