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Izuku's grip tightened around the handle of the dagger. He looked up at the class, showing them his new dark, dull eyes. "I just have one question for you all."

"What is it Midoriya?" Todoroki asked, frightened at how scary Izuku was looking.

"Do you think I'm a villain?"

The class was silent for a moment, Izuku's darkened, anger-filled eyes striking fear deep into their hearts.

"O-of course not, Young Midoriya." All Might said, clearing his throat after he stuttered over his words.

"Yeah" Uraraka piped up, smiling a little. "You're the most heroic person in our class and the kindness person I've ever met. You could never be a villain."

The rest of the class nodded vigorously, many hiding shaking hands underneath their desks. "So... how about you just put the knife down, ok?" Aizawa said.

"I'm the most heroic person you've ever met? I could never be a villain?" Izuku asked back, his voice condescending. "If that's true, why are so many of you thinking the opposite? Why have so many of my 'classmates' settled on the idea that I'm villainous?!"

"What do you mean, Midoriya?" Todoroki asked gently, eyeing the dagger.

"Just that AFO me might of had a quirk that allowed us to hear all of your thoughts. I couldn't see any of you, but I sure could hear your fucking thoughts about how I was acting like a villain!" Izuku shouted, his fists trembling in rage.

"Well, it's not our fault. You were acting really scary and" Mineta started, before Tsuyu slapped him, shutting him up. But it was too late, and the damage had been done.

"Oh. So that's it. I lost my cool." Izuku said in a calm voice. A voice that didn't match the pure anger pouring out of him. "It doesn't matter how hard I've worked to get where I am. It doesn't matter that I've only ever wanted to be a hero. It doesn't matter that I have only ever done heroic deeds! The moment I lose my cool, I'm a villain!"

"No," Tsuyu said, trying her best to calm Izuku down. "We all know that you are a hero, Midoriya. If any of us thought that you were villainous, I'm sure they were just passing thoughts. Kero."

"I know that they were more than passing thoughts!" Izuku yelled, his fury radiating off him in waves. "You, all of you, think that I'm a villain! I've never done anything wrong, but I'm seen as a fucking villain! And if I'm going to be seen as a villain anyway I... I-I might as well do something villainous!"

Izuku threw the dagger towards Bakugo at blinding speeds, his smile borderline psychotic as he watched it fly through the air.

Bakugo raised a hand to blast the dagger away, but his quirk was still being blocked by the serum Genius gave him. "FUCK!" He shouted, diving out of the way, the dagger still managing to leave a long slice across his cheek.

The class stared at the injury, their dread growing tangible as blood bubbled down Bakugo's cheek. "Young Midoriya?" All Might said hesitantly as Izuku turned towards him.

"Guess what All Might!" Izuku called, giggling a bit. "What you told me the first time we met did come true! I can't be a hero!"

Powering up One for All, Izuku dove towards All Might, but before he could kick him, One for All was shut off. Izuku stopped and slowly turned towards Aizawa, his eyes crazed and full of hatred.

"Give. Me. Back. My. Quirk." He said tersely, stepping towards the teacher as the class held their breath, many of them already standing.

"What is this about Problem Child? This isn't like you. What did they tell you behind that wall?" Aizawa asked, getting his scarf ready.

Counterparts (Villain Deku AU Short-story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora