Danny Phantom

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Danny found himself in the Ghost Zone.

The longer he existed on the living plane, the more the young ghost yearned to be with the other ghosts. Maybe it was a side effect of being dead. Maybe it was a reprieve from feeling so isolated from the living. Either way, Danny never missed a chance to enter the swirling mass of doors.

Though Danny loved his friends and family, he couldn't bring himself to feel comfortable around them. He spent too much time trying to keep his human half intact to truly enjoy himself. Instead, he had created new bonds with those in the Ghost Zone who didn't want him dead. Namely, Clockwork, Dora, the citizens of the Far Frozen, and Pandora and her subjects.

He considered them his adoptive family, and spent most of his free time in one of their lairs.

He had planned on visiting Clockwork soon anyway, so that's where Danny headed. When he arrived at the Clock Tower, his ghostly father figure was waiting.

Danny wasn't surprised. Most of the time, Clockwork knew he was coming before Danny had even decided he was entering the Zone.

"Hello, Daniel," the ghost greeted. "I trust you're doing well."

Danny landed softly, and sighed. "As good as I can, I guess."

Clockwork motioned him inside, and the phantom entered without a word. "If it's advice you're searching for, you came to the wrong ghost."

Danny chuckled. "Actually, that's exactly why I came here. You won't give me the same advice I've hear twenty times in the last month."

Clockwork smiled, though it was sad. "So you decided to not join your subjects."

The halfa winced. "Half of the Ghost Zone hates me," he reminded. "I'm afraid if I took the throne, it would be a repeat of Pariah Dark."

"Pariah Dark was a ruthless ruler who did not care for the inhabitants of the Zone," Clockwork reminded. "You, on the other hand, have the biggest nonbeating heart known to man. You may have enemies, but what king doesn't?

"Daniel, the human realm is draining you. I know you love your family and don't wish to part with them, but even you must realize you can't keep this up forever. Surely you have realized that you haven't grown since the accident. Your lack of height may go unnoticed for the moment, but sooner or later it will raise questions, and that's something can't afford. Not with your parents being ghost hunters."

Danny looked away. "I thought you said you weren't going to give me any advice," he reminded.

Clockwork smiled. "I'm only stating facts." He paused as he turned towards his screens, observing the world around them. "I will add one more thing: Pandora grows restless. I'm afraid if you don't accept her offer of living in her palace, she may invade Amity Park an take you herself."

Danny laughed. "It wouldn't be her first attempt."

Danny, too, observed the screens that lined the wall. "For a guy that spends his time trying to make other choose their path," Danny noted, "you sure give a guy a lot to think about."

Clockwork smiled softly but didn't say anything.

Danny huffed. Maybe he did come for advice. Either way, he got what he needed, and with a small farewell, Danny turned to leave, planning on going straight home to reveal his deepest secret, and to say goodbye.

"Oh, and Daniel," Clockwork called. Danny turned in time to catch a small package that hurdled towards him. It was a small, black package with an ecto green bow. "Happy Deathday, my son. From all of us."

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