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The moment Danny stepped through the portal, he was greeted by Clockwork. Father Time gave a small nod, and Danny sighed.

It was done. He wasn't sure what, exactly, they would remember, but whatever it was, it wouldn't hurt them.

The flight was silent, but Danny didn't mind. The Ghost of Time tended to keep him calm, and the halfa had never been so greatful. The ghosts they happened to pass stopped and stared, whispering to each other when they thought he couldn't hear.

Danny knew there would be gossip; the Ghost Zone was worse than high school when it came to drama. And with an actual high school floating in the middle of the Zone... Well, word gets around fast.

When Danny finally managed to pull himself from his thoughts, he realized where they were.

"Uh, Clockwork?" the teen asked. "I thought we were going to Pandora's?"

The ghost smirked. "That woman has had the castle completely torn apart and put back together seven times in the last year," he chuckled. "She's been waiting for you for a long time, my boy."

"Of course, if it's too much, you are always welcome to stay with me until the palace is to your liking."

Danny turned to face Pandora, and gave her a wide smile accompanied with a tight hug. Behind the blue skinned ghost was Dora, Cujo, Frostbite, and several more Yeti from the Far Frozen. He greeted each one with a smile and Cujo danced around his feet, barking happily.

When all had settled down, Danny turned to his new home. "Well," he sighed, "I guess it's time."

The once red and black fortress was now a pure, sparkling white stone. The large, black door held his DP insignia, and Pandora even went as far as to add an ectoplasmic moat. In fact, the entire structure seemed to glow an unearthly green, shining bright against the swirling green Zone around it.

Danny stepped towards the doors, and they automatically swung open at his silent request. He stepped onto the black, marble floors that swirled with green, and felt... at home.

In his former visits to Pariah's - no, his - castle, it had always been cold and bleak. Now, though, it was warm and comforting. His footsteps echoed in the high ceilings, and white pillars lined the foyer. Green banners alternated with black and white ones, and it all reminded Danny of a fairy tale.

He could hear the echoing footsteps of his friends behind him, but he couldn't bring himself to acknowledge them at the moment. They were silent, and he was thankful for that, as he wasn't sure what he could possible say.

When the passageway split into three, his feet guided him forward, coming to a stop at a large se of double doors - black, like the main entrance.

"You certainly know how to stick with a theme, Pandora," he chuckled. There was laughter behind him, and with a deep breath, the double doors opened with a groan. Danny stepped inside and was immediately greeted with a giant throne room.

The walls were white, the floors were black, and the same banners hung from the ceiling. But his focus was on the giant throne placed against the wall. The legs, arm rests, and detailing were pure silver and sparkled in the green lighting. The padded seat and back were green silk, and Danny froze in his spot.

He couldn't bring himself to move another step, and he felt his friends step closer to him.

A thousand thoughts raced through his mind. His friends and family on the Earth plane. His enemies. Could he really rule the Ghost Zone? What if he was a terrible leader? What if he managed to escape and make him a worse king than Pariah?

Danny began to panic. He couldn't do this. He would be the cause of the end of the Infinate Realms. He couldn't hold that responsibility. He couldn't-

"Daniel," Clockwork said softly, "did you open your gift?"

Danny wondered what that had anything to do with his current predicament, but he shook his head 'no.'

Clockwork sighed. "Perhaps you should."

Danny pulled out the small, black package, but hesitated. He wasn't sure what a present would do to help, but Clockwork had never steered him wrong before. The ghost boy carefully read the tag, and looked up in shock when he read From: the Ghost Zone.

Dora smiled at him. "We all welcome you, Sir Phantom. Even those you consider an enemy."

Danny blinked, and nodded slowly. Then, before he could stop himself, he carefully opened the lid.

He gasped as he pulled the black crown from the box, and nearly dropped it when the black metal burst into green flames.

Frostbite stepped forward and gently took the crown from Danny's hands.

"Are you ready, Great One?" he asked.

Staring ahead at the waiting throne, he nodded, and after hesitating only a second longer, he found himself slowly sitting down.

"Welcome home, Great One," Frostbite smiled before gently placing the crown atop the ghost kings head.

There was a flash of light, and a black cloak materialized, draping over his shoulders. The Ring of Rage appeared on his finger, the colors morphing to match his eyes. Power coursed through his veins, and Danny gasped as he became one with the Ghost Zone.

When the feeling had died down (because it didn't leave, and Danny doubted it ever would), he took a deep breath and smiled tentatively.

His friends smiled down at him as well, and slowly, they all knelt.

It would take a while to get used to, if he ever did. But Frostbite was right - he was home.

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