Chapter 4 ~ Prom

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Holaaaa! I'm back in buisness and i new longer chap is right under here! Wooohoooo!! Thank you for all the reads and votes on last chapter, hope you would vote and comment on this too! :) 


The days went and the day of the prom was here. Finally for all the girls who had looking forward to it, for me, just a regular Tuesday. “Come over at my house and get ready later Rach!” Alexis says when we are standing outside the school after the last class that day. “I don’t know…” I start, but a voice I know, oh so well, interrupts me. “That’s was a wonderful idea Alexis! I meet you there Rach” Jake says and winks at me. “Okay… guess I’m coming!” I answer and Alexis are smiling widely. I get home really quickly because Jake drove to school that day, and he decided it was nice to drive me home. That stupid looser of a best friend. I get my dress, my shoes and the rest of my stuff and walk the short way over to Alexis. We had been really good friends back in kindergarten, but then we just slipped away from each other. I was always with Jake, and he was with the other girls.

“So nice to see you Rach! Come on in!” Alexis said when she opened the door and I smile and walk in to her big, fancy house. Her parents were really rich, and she had everything you could dream about. But what she dreamed the most about, was my best friend. It was about 8 to 10 other girls, who said hey, and smiled while they run around and got dressed, putted on false nails and lashes, putted on makeup, curled their hair and so on. “Just start changing, find a spot to drop your things, and ask whoever if you need any help” Alexis says and I nod and smile. I find my dress and take it with me in to one of the many bathrooms, together with my foundation. I strip out of my clothes and step in to my beautiful dress. I really needed help already, to zip up my dress. I let my dress be halfway open, and started to cover my scars with my foundation. When I for once needed to wear something without sleeves, I really needed to cover my scars, unless I wanted questions. Lucky for me, it wasn’t so bad on my arms. It had been worse if my dress was really short. Not that I had been going in it anyways, if it was short.

I close the door when I walk out of the bathroom, and find Maya, a kind girl in my class. “Maya, would you zip me up please?” I ask her and smile. ”Yes, of course! Your dress was beautiful have you bought it by yourself?” she asks and I can see that there are many of the girls who stopped, watching my dress. “No… Jake bought it for me…” I answer as low as I could, but I can still hear some of the girls gasp. “You look beautiful in it! Some of the other girls say, and I smile. I find my makeup bag and start putting some powder in my face. I never used any makeup, but I thought that if I should use, now was the right time.

“Can I please do your hair? I love your hair!” Alexis says behind me, and I nod carefully. ”Eh… Thank you! But yes, of course!” I answer and sit down. Alexis start to curl all of my hair, and then she put some of it up, and let the rest hang straight down. “Thank you so much!” I say when Alexis finishes, and she gives me a hug before she run away to help somebody else. “You look really good today!” I can hear from several of the girls, and I just put on a fake smile, as always, and smiles.

We are arriving the prom a bit later, and I remain outside, with some of the others to wait for Jake. After a couple of minutes with fake smiling and greetings with people I almost know, I can finally see the beautiful smile of my best friend. He walks towards me with a suit on, and I can’t deny that he looks really handsome. Don’t misunderstand me; it was nothing going on between Jake and me. Never. Nothing. Nada. Nope. And it will never be something either. ”Hello beautiful, you look amazing” he says and gives me a hug. “Hey handsome! You don’t look so bad yourself” I say and wink at him. We are walking in together, someone take some pictures of us, before we continue in to the hall. The night is used to eating and talking, and to be honest, it was funnier than I’d believe. Everyone is so nice, and kind to me, and I actually make a real smile to several of the peoples inside. That was not normal to be me.

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