Chapter 3 ~ Prom dress buying

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Hey chicas! Next chap of my storyyyy! Woho! I want to say thank you to all who reads, comment and fan me, and those who don't, I would have been extreamly glad if you'd do it :)

Here it comes!


I wake up by my alarm clock and raise my body from Jakes. I shake him a bit, until he is awake. "Hey" I smile, and he smiles back at me. "I felled asleep..." I continue saying and he chuckle a bit."Yeah, me too" he answer and I start giggling. “But we don’t have so much time, so I’m going to the toilet” he says and stand up, walking towards the bathroom. I change really fast, apply mascara and brush quickly through my hair. I walk in to the bathroom where Jake has putted his t-shirt on and he stands in front of the mirror fixing his hair. “Do you have in mind getting finished with the million hair?” I joke and he shows his middle finger at me before we climb the stairs both of us.

“There you two are! I started wondering yesterday because I never saw Jake walk home, but I get it now. Are you two having breakfast?” my mum start babbling and I just roll my eyes to Jake. None of us was any breakfast people, so it was just to say this to my mum. “No thanks mum, we eat at school!” I try, but I know mum don’t buy it. ”No, Rachel Shayleen Scott, you know you need to eat breakfast! Breakfast is the most important meal at the day and…” I didn’t hear anything more of that sentence before I shut the door closed and began walking towards the bus stop with Jake by my side. “Haha, I love when your mum calls you Rachel Shayleen” he laughs and I point my middle finger at him. God, who calls her daughter Rachel Shayleen? Seriously!

We arrive at the same time as the bus so we just walk in and sit down at our usual spots. We talk about almost everything, until the same boy that Jake raged on walk beside us and stops. “Whats up Jakey? Did you hood up with your chick yesterday or what?” he asks and the other boys behind him just laugh. “Shut up. If I want you to bother me I can tell you” Jake answers uninterested, and the boys just walk further back in the bus. “Don’t care about what they say Jake. They are just jealous of what you have, and they don’t.” I say and smile towards him. “Like you?” He joke and I laugh. ”Of course!” I answer and then we walk out of the bus together with the rest of the people on our school.

I can feel my iPhone vibrate in the last class, and I take it slowly out of my pocket, so my teacher won’t see it. <Shall we buy you a prom dress today? I’ll buy it, because my best friend love to wear dresses ;) xx –J> I read and giggle low. Alexis lean over me and read the text I got. “Aw, you’re so lucky! Wish I had a best friend who was so kind to me!” she says and I just smile back at her. <Okay, since you insist! You’re the best! xx –R> I answer and put my phone back in my pocket. The bell goes and I take my bag and walk quickly out of the school building to look for Jake. He stands with some of his friends, but not the same as yesterday, so I run towards him and jump on his back. “Ready to go dress shopping?” I smile and he spins around before he sets me down. ”I know you hate shopping just as much as I do, so let’s do this quick and then go to my house and play Skate” he says and I laugh. “Is it weird that people think you two are together?” one of his friends says and I laugh again. “That’s because people can’t see a boy and I girl together without thinking of them as a couple! I lift one of my eyebrows before we start walking to the bus station on the other side of the school.

“Have you heard The Script’s new song?” Jake ask when we sit at the bus and I shake my head and take one of his earphones and put it in my ear. We sit in silence and just listening to the music. I love The Script’s music. The text was so beautiful and I felt that the text was written about me in so many of the songs. We arrive the city, and just walk around a little to find a dress shop. We walk inside one with a lot of pretty dresses on the outside. “Hello, what can I do for you?” the smiling lady who worked there asks us. I was about to say that we were just looking, but Jake said “She needs a prom dress” before I could react. “Okay, so fit you are, I don’t think that is going to be a problem!” she says and I push a smile on my lips and send a weird look to Jake who is just smiling. The smiling lady finds many pink, fancy dresses but I just shake my head to all of them. I could never walk in one of them on the prom. Never. “What about this one?” she asks with a dress in a color of champagne, who is really simple, and all I’ve been looking for all the time. “It’s perfect!” I answer and take it with me in to the changing room.

It fits perfect and I walk out of the changing room to see what Jake thinks and he is just standing there, looking at me. “What do you think?” I ask and he looks in to my eyes. ”You are… gorgeous!” he finally says and I can feel my checks burn lightly. “Thank you Jake” I answer and smile. “We are taking it!” Jake says to the smiling lady, and she smiles a bit more, if that is even possible, and clap her hands. I walk back in the changing room to change back. I walk towards Jake and the lady scan the dress. “Okay, its 762 dollars then” she says and I feel like my eyes are falling out. SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY TWO DOLLARS?! Never. ”No, Jake, it’s too much. Let’s find something else” I say and try to drag him with me, but he had already dragged his card. ”Jake? What are you doing?” I ask and look strange at him. ”Buying a prom dress for my best friend, what else?” he answers like it’s the most regular thing in the world. “Did you hear what she said it cost? You can’t buy a dress with a price tag like that Jake! I pay you back, I promise!” I say and Jake just roll his eyes and shake his head. “Shut up! I said I was going to buy a dress to you, and so I did! Now we are going home and play Skate!” he says and I smile. I take the bag and walk luckily out of the shop. Yes, luckily. For once I was really lucky. ”Thank you so much Jake, you really didn’t hade to” I say when we are sitting on the bus and he roll his eyes once more. “Now you shut up about that dress, use it and we never talk about it again okay?” he says supplied, and I laugh and nod.


Thats all for now! I'm really tired now, but I will update you this week, at least one time! I promise! So read and let me know what you think, Vote, Comment and Fan me! That would make my day! :)

Much of love 

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