36. Get ready for a headline

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Just like clockwork, Zayn had woken up later that day to the sound of Harry singing Right Down the Line by Gerry Rafferty, whipping up Belgian waffles in his kitchen with strawberries on top before Zayn went to work, and he couldn't have felt any more blessed to have heard his voice carrying a sweet, sweet melody. And Zayn thought about how it was the only way he ever wanted to wake up, every single morning, hearing Harry sing like he was still at his own personal concert, surrounding the space with this most curing, most soothing energy that engulfed Zayn's spirit, bringing a smile to his lips as he peeked out from his bedroom door and observed Harry dancing jubilantly, admiring all of him in all of his beautiful ways, reminding Zayn that he was completely, and irreversibly in love.

He spent the remainder of his day at work arranging shipments of Lantanas and Dahlias with his bruised right hand from the night before, listening to Taryn go on and on about her date with this guy she met at a music festival, sparing no details about their erotic sexual experiences and he laughed to himself as she explained how he was guarded, keeping her at arms length, that he didn't want a serious relationship and Zayn could only relate, having seen himself in this guy once before and he offered her some advice on the situation.

"Don't get too attached, Taryn. He's most likely afraid of his feelings, maybe due to some traumatic past he's had. Just be a good friend, be understanding, but let him sort himself out before you dive into it. It's much healthier that way," he explained while counting the register just five minutes before closing time, and just at that moment he saw Harry walk in donning a pair of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a bright, light blue Hawaiian style shirt with white patterned daisies decorating it.

"He's right," Harry said, having overheard Zayn speaking and smiled a little, waltzing up to the counter with that ever-present look of adoration still dancing in his green eyes.

"Wait a minute, you're Harry Styles!" Taryn exclaimed, forgetting all about her conversation as her brown eyes lit up and she walked over to him, appearing rather starstruck.

"You can just call me Harry," he simplified. "Nice to meet you, Taryn."

"You know my name? How..." she returned with an expression of utter shock that was evident on her face.

"Zayn says you're a great employee. Keep up the good work, love," he said with a genuine smile and she looked as if she was going to pass out, which made Zayn chuckle as he handed her an unopened bottle of water from behind the counter.

"Relax," Zayn said to Taryn, shaking his head with mild amusement and realizing in that moment that Harry really was famous and sometimes he forgot that little detail because Zayn hadn't quite experienced it first hand yet.

"You ready?" Harry inquired.

"Yeah, just give me a minute to get my things," Zayn replied as he squeezed Harry's arm and went to the back of the store to grab his bag, leaving Harry and Taryn alone for a few minutes, and when he returned the color had been restored in her face and Harry was signing an autograph and posing for a few selfies with her.

"I can't believe you know Harry Styles!" Taryn exclaimed to Zayn, bubbling over with excitement in her voice.

"Oooh Harry Styles! Lucky me!" Zayn mocked her playfully with a laugh and a slight smile as he reached out and squeezed Harry's hand a little, but Taryn didn't seem to notice this gesture and together he and Harry left Wild Lotus, jumping into Harry's vintage Mercedes that had parked outside on the street.

"I thought we could grab dinner at Cecconi's in West Hollywood," Harry said as he inserted the key into the ignition and began driving off into the LA streets amongst the warm, summer evening air.

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