Chapter 7

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Thomas and Brenda had been loaded into a different truck. The masked man who had originally been staring at Thomas was in the same truck and still continued to stare at Thomas. The whole ride was in silence. The truck suddenly came to a harsh stop. The door behind Thomas and Brenda that led out of the back of the truck was opened and another masked/armed man shouted for them to get out of the truck. Thomas and Brenda slowly came out of the truck as multiple armed men surrounded them. A second truck just parked itself right next theirs. The second truck began to rock from side to side as banging and grunts were heard from inside the truck. Thomas and Brenda stared at the truck with confused looks. The doors to the back of the truck suddenly swung open as a masked man fell out onto the ground. Jorge then jumped out of the truck to land over the man. He grabbed the man by his vest as he shouted at him. "Where is she?!" Jorge shouted before he punched the man on the side of the head. Thomas and Brenda ran over to calm Jorge down while Newt, Skylar, and Fry quickly jumped out of the truck that Jorge had come from. Some of the armed men that stood around the group started to grab each of the individuals and point a gun at them warningly while others started to point their guns at Jorge. The masked man who seemed to take an interest in Thomas told the men to put their guns down. Brenda shouted at Jorge to look up at her.

"I'm right here! I'm right here!" She called to him. He finally looked up to see her standing up beside him, arms outstretched to try and get his attention. Jorge let the man go and stood up to stand beside her.

"Everybody relax." The man with the red mask said. "We're all on the same side here." Skylar scoffed.

"Yeah, tell that to the bump on my head." She said as the armed men let go of the individuals.

"Who are you?" Thomas asked him, annoyance and anger were heard in his voice. The man with the red mask stared at Thomas for a moment. He finally lifted his mask off his head, threw it to the ground, and turned his attention back to Thomas. He didn't look that much older than the rest of them. He had to be around the same age as Thomas and Newt.

"Hey Greenie." He greeted Thomas. Skylar, who now stood next to Thomas, looked over to Thomas with a confused expression. Thomas narrowed his eyes in disbelief at the man as he slowly took a step towards the guy.

"Gally?" Thomas said in almost a whisper. Skylar furrowed her eyebrows with even more confusion as she looked from Thomas to the stranger repeatedly. Newt had looked at Fry with an astonished and confused look on his face. Fry didn't take his eyes off the guy that stood in front of all of them.

"No way." Fry whispered in disbelief. Thomas stared at the man for a moment longer before suddenly launching himself at the guy as he punched the guy in the face. The man fell to the ground and Thomas kneeled over him. "Thomas wait!" Fry shouted at him. All the armed men pointed their guns at Thomas but the guy who was now under Thomas told them to put the guns away. Newt ran past the rest of the group while Skylar took a step back, extremely confused with the situation. Newt quickly knelt down beside Thomas and grabbed Thomas' arm that was held up, ready to strike the man again.

"Woah woah woah. Stop it. Stop." Newt told Thomas. "Stop."

"He killed Chuck." Thomas responded to Newt, not looking away from the man under him now. Skylar's eyes softened a bit with slight understanding.

"Yeah I know, I know. I remember. I was there too, alright?" Newt tried to reason with Thomas. "But I also remember that he was stung and half out of his mind." Newt looked up to the people standing around, staring at them, before he returned his gaze to Thomas. Fry had put a hand on Thomas' shoulder. "Just calm down. Alright?" Newt whispered to Thomas. Thomas glared at the man for a moment longer before shoving himself off of the man. Thomas, Fry, and Newt backed away from the man as he stood up. He held his jaw while he nodded.

"Kinda had that comin'." He stated. Skylar raised an eyebrow at him. She now wore her stone expression on her face. "Anybody else? Fry? Newt?"

"Can I have a go at it?" Skylar suddenly spoke up. She stared at the man known as Gally with her stone expression.

"You know this guy?" Jorge asked Fry, Thomas, and Newt.

"He was an old friend." Fry explained, not taking his eyes off Gally.

     "How?" Newt voiced his question. "H-how is this possible. I don't....We watched you die.

"No you left me to die." Gally corrected him. "And if we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now." They all just stared at him. "What the heck are you doing here?" He finally asked.

"Minho." Newt answered. "WCKD has him here. We're lookin' for a way in." Gally stared at him, he was deep in thought.

"I can help with that." Gally responded. "Follow me." He started to back up.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Thomas refused.

"Suit yourself." Gally shrugged. "But I can get you through those walls." Skylar slowly looked over to Thomas. So did Newt. Thomas looked over to Skylar. Her gaze clearly said It's up to you.

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