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I decided I was going to do it. I was going to open up to Klaus. I was going to give him my trust and loyalty. In a way I was very late but a lot has been holding me back. To be honest I don't feel totally ready but that's clearly what those visions were trying to tell me and I should definitely listen to whatever higher powers are doing this. 

From what I've gathered Eclipse died at the same time that I was revived and ever since hearing that I've been extremely nervous. I woke up stronger and fitter than I'd ever been with skills that I'd never learned. 

The only thing I can think of that makes sense is that Klaus killed Eclipse to bring me back to life. I mean, it couldn't have been easy to revive me and I wouldn't be surprised if Klaus replaced my life with hers or something to save me. 

It would definitely explain all of the angry people calling me Eclipse and telling me not to trust Klaus. They must think there's still a piece of her inside of me and based off of the memories that have been flashing since I've awakened there probably is, just not enough for these people to get through to. 

Maybe I should go back to the prison and talk them all through it. Then I can confirm my suspicions. Even if they are crazy, I can protect myself and worst case I'll just be waisting a bit of my time. 

If it is true that that is how Klaus brought me back I'm going to have to make him switch us back again. It was my time to die a long time ago and I won't steal another's time for myself. Especially this Eclipse, there seem to be a lot of people that care for her and miss her. 

Everyone that cares about me is either dead or believes I'm dead. Either way I'm never seeing any of them again so if I died the only person that would hurt would be Klaus. While I would hate to do that to him, It'll be what's best for the most amount of people. I'm sure he can find someone else that's just as good if not better to be his queen.  

If Klaus brought me back in an honest way and these people's story lines up then I will let go of my insecurities and trust issues and chase all of my doubts about Klaus away. I will finally give him my everything, my heart and my trust. 

I smiled at the little butterflies flying above me as I walked through the forest, not bothering it even a little. Feeling the beautiful sun beating down on me I somehow protected. I've always loved to be outside, with nature, underneath the moon and the sun. Part of me has always felt like they're looking down on me proudly, shinning extra bright to help me through the darkness. 

I know it's cheesy and crazy, the moon and sun don't shine brighter for me, they're not looking down at me and they certainly aren't proud of me, but it's just how I feel. 

I took a deep, cleansing breath before making my way into the dungeons. This is it, either I will give my everything to Klaus or I'll go back to my eternal resting place and bring Eclipse back. 

I became invisible and easily passed the guards, none of them even turning their heads in my direction. I followed the familiar scent of my mate of, Jacob, assuming he'd be with Zeus and Aqua. 

"What if they fail? What if they can't save her and she's stuck in this life with that monster forever?" Jacob's familiar voice said softly and as I turned the corner I saw Zeus and Aqua groan. 

"Kid, you've been here for almost 24 hours and you're STILL complaining. SHUT UP!" Zeus bellowed angrily, his face in his hands. 

"Hey, I'm not the one that BETRAYED everyone and kidnapped Eclipse and tricked her and brought her to Klaus! KLAUS." 

"No, Zeus is right, you're being annoying. Who knows how long we'll be stuck in this goddamn cell, I can't deal with you ranting about your little mate for too long. I'll go crazy! I was actually happier when I was locked in these cells alone." Aqua said tiredly, sitting on the ground and staring at the ceiling. 

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