The God of Mayhem

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You're getting pretty sick of this douchey nymph, and you've only just met. For crying out loud, he's so focused on himself that not only did he kidnap you for about five minutes, but he humiliated you with these stupid flipper shoes. If you didn't like Angelica so much, you would have probably killed this guy and camped in the pool to wait for her to come back for you. He's angry, and you're angry, and your killer, repulsive song is lurking in your throat, just waiting for its moment to finally shine and do something useful besides scare your mother. "I'm sorry," he finally concedes, surprising you quite a bit. He didn't seem the apologetic type. "I know you're confused about all this, and that you probably didn't want to come here, and I'm treating you poorly."

You don't know how to feel about that apology, so you simply stare out the car window at the road and the trees and the mountains that soar overhead in the background. However, you finally let your good nature take over, and with a little smile, you turn back and reply, "It's alright. I'm sure you didn't want a visitor like me anyway, so I don't blame you." Your smile fades when he frowns at you and his driving speed increases again. "Does your driving have to be a factor controlled by your emotions? You're scaring me," you add, gripping the door handle. Timber just looks progressively more ticked off until he's flying down the road, which is really terrifying on this mountain road.

"Why would you think I didn't want a visitor 'like you'?" he inquires in a snappy tone. "Yeah, so you're a clueless idiot and a fishboy. I hate visitors in general, so don't feel so special. It's not like I particularly find my distaste for you to be greater than that I feel around Angie or the camper I'm digesting." You find it surprising that nymphs, which you know from your early years to be dream-eaters and not people-eaters, do in fact consume humans. You suppose that in some way, shape, or form, humans are supernatural food.

In response to his waspish retort, you just shrug your shoulders. You don't want to try and talk to him if he's going to be so crazy and back and forth. Just a minute ago, he was apologizing to you, and now he's saying he doesn't like you? It's almost as confusing as human mating rituals. "At least slow down, before you get us killed," you repeat, this time more stubbornly and sternly (but only because you're feeling incredibly nauseous). "I don't think it would be good for either of us to get found by humans, especially since I'll change as soon as the sun rises tomorrow." Your voice isn't quite soft, but it is quiet. You're not going to start yelling like he had just been doing to try and make a point.

You wonder if it's either your personal magic of persuasion finally coming off reprieve when he does slow down to a much safer speed, and appears to be calming down. However, you don't come off your guard, because you feel nauseous still and don't want to puke in his vehicle. That might upset him (again) and you just don't want to deal with it. But he just looks over at you with what appears to be genuine curiosity, making you slouch down in the seat and fold your arms in discomfort. "You're not quite as bad as I thought. Clueless, yes. Idiot..." He pauses, and you glare over at him. "Maybe a little. Do you eat seafood?"

"Of course not. That's like...well, it's basically cannibalism since I'm supposed to be a man-eating combination of every creature in the sea. It's a complicated magic thi-"

"So technically, I can call you fishboy, and it's accurate?" he cuts in, grinning at you wickedly. You punch him in the arm, pretty hard, and then fall into silence. You refuse to talk to him until he brings you home, and then you'll tell him to never come back, or you'll screech him and everything with ears within a earshot to death. When he notices your sudden sullenness, you see him reach over to grab your arm, but you snatch it away. "Loren, c'mon. It's an honest joke. You're so offended by something stupid that it's ridiculous. Come on. Loren. Fishbreath. I'm going to dump you in a quarry if you don't talk to me."

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