Into the Lion's Den

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By the time Kalisha finishes speaking, you see that even Loren, with his stoic behaviour (which is really weird, considering that he had the maturity of a bubble-bound 12 year old just a little while ago), has paled. You personally feel sick, because you're not the martyr type, and you definitely aren't a hero. You look at the witches, and then at Loren again, and you swallow nervously. But you then see Loren's eyes narrow slightly, and when he reaches out, you see his hand has gone straight through Kalisha's form. "You must be figuring out by now that we are dead. I spoke for you through a premonition, because I saw this. The Grand Coven is dead, child, and Angelica's trap is laid for you. Good luck."

The image shatters around you, and you see Loren collapse. He's been more privy to these things since all this guardian stuff started, so you imagine he's probably going through more than you are, just disoriented from the change. Around you is a darkened cave, and on the ground, an all too familiar altar. There stands Angelica, lips twisted into a smirk in front of you and her eyes glowing with black. "You boys are something special. And thank you for walking yourself here with those legs of yours--I'll be taking them back." She snaps her fingers, and Loren collapses to the ground with his body returned. You know he's never been land-bound in the form, so there's no way he'll be able to fight. You watch his eyes flare with anger, but he doesn't do anything. Why? You know by watching that he can control things with his mind.

"You're a royal pain in the ass, you know that?" you finally snap out. "I just wanted to go on a date, bang a cute guy, and go home, but noooooo, you have to turn my life into a shitty fantasy story. You know what lady, I was happy in Vermont in my little cabin, so why the fuck couldn't you just let me eat my campers in peace, huh?" Loren's now got his head in his hands, seemingly frustrated with you more than anything, but Angelica just stares at you impassively, as though waiting for you to continue speaking. You silence yourself and just glare at her, while Loren lifts his head and glares at you.

Of all things, she walks up to you and lightly rests her hands on your shoulders. "Why?" she replies. "Why couldn't I leave you? Because this world is disgusting. People are killed for living. Men and women alike are raped and beaten and left for dead. This--this thing you are trying to preserve: is it truly worth it? There's war, and death, injustices. There's so much pain that one person can bring, so much destruction that is caused by little men on their high seats, directing from afar." She pushes you back and walks over to the altar, resting her hands upon it and seemingly fighting back her own rage. "You, too, are a perpetrator. You were supposed to love the guardian, not violate him and make him hate you. I almost lost hope, but then, you found the grove. Your emotions blended and now you're ripe for the taking! But you must wait. I have to consume this one first."


You hold your hands out in front of you, gripping an invisible staff.

Open your mind. Let my energy flow through you. Let us meld into one being, if only for the moment. Let us fight together, let me fight, one last time.

You feel the weapon manifest in your grasp, and your own armor takes shape on your body, which appears to surprise Angelica. "Well, now. What are you going to do, wave it at me as you yell?"


You fly forward with your eyes blazing golden, your whole body filled with the life and soul that is Tiambre and her experience. Angelica barely flings you away with a bolt of dark, inky black, but you don't fly far. It sparks off of you, seeming to clash with the gold. But you're not really paying attention to that. You're going insane with every moment, with the bloodlust that is you and the ferocity that is Tiambre, combining into one being that cannot be contained in this body. Angelica summons what appears to be a black blade in one hand, and a ball of black in the other, and you know that she's ready to fight you. Once more, you rush forward and sweep the staff toward her head, but she counters it with a blow and sends magic directly toward your chest. Your own energy crackles brightly and flings it away, but you can feel that you won't have immunity forever.

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