Sartobi Fuyu

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Name: Sartobi Fuyu (monkey jump) (Winter)

Age: 12

Birthday: December 11th (the day the Lord Third Found her or that's the story she was told)

Species: Human

Blood Type: O

Gender: Female

Birth Village: Unknown

Current Status: Genin


Fuyu is seen as or often called a cold witch by the people in the village. They often smile at her and say their options in hushed whispers seeing as she has the Hokage's name and protection.

She has a sweet, happy, cheerful and kind side that Fuyu that she lets out only around her best friend Naruto.

She is known to be protective over Naruto and the others she cares about.

When Naruto isn't around Fuyu is known to close herself off from others. She is cold and unfeeling wearing an emotionless face to others. Most know her for having her nose in a book.

Like Naruto she wants to help others even if they look at her as a monster. Fuyu is quite intelligent for her age even with her continue to fail on purpose so that she could stay with Naruto.

She lives with her grandfather at his wish. Fuyu has asked her guardian to give her an apartment next to Naruto's. When he refuses she stays quite not wanting to be a bother and so takes care of all the house responsibilities taking care of him. Hokage has been known to act strangely like a child around her. He known to cling and constantly hug her.


On December 11th a very cold winter night the Third Hokage found a four-year-old child or that's CDC the story. People were scared of the child thinking her creepy and strange for her strange appearance having ghostly pale skin, snow white slivery hair, and ruby red eyes. Even with the third Hokage adopting her into his family even with people being against it.

When she was very young on a snowy day a group of boys were picking on her and Naruto saved her or tried. He ended up getting beat up instead. But from that day on the two children were inseparable and became best friends.

Fuyu and Naruto went through the same thing together. She would deliberately fail in school so she could stay by Naruto's side. Always tries to help him with his pranking or covered for him and helps him with his studies.

This don't hide that she's as strong as Sasuke the classes number one student. Just as smart as Shikamaru beating him many times in their Shogi and chess games they often play.


Height: 1.40 cm

Weight: 40kg

Hair Color: Pure Sivery White

Eyes Color: Ruby Red

Style: Long to her shoulder length left down.


*black and gray dress hoodie

* Gray and black skirt

* Has a Netted Brown nets on both arms and her leg 

* Wears her ninja black head around her neck

* Has black and silver plat fingerless gloves

* Wears log black boots that has silver at the bottom.

* always seen wearing narutomaki toy that she turned into a necklace (Given to her by Naruto on her 9th birthday)

* Has two hair pins to pin back her hair

*wears her head band around her neck (imagine that's were it is)

*wears her head band around her neck (imagine that's were it is)

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Mother: Unknown

Father: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Grandfather (by adoption): Sartobi Hiruzen

Second Cousin (by adoption): Sartobi Konohamaru

Clan: Unknown, Sartobi (by adoption)

Love Interest: No one (yet) 😉

Chakra Nature: Water, Wind, Lighting, and???

Ninja States:

1-5 Horrible
6-8 Below Average
9-10 Average
11-13 Above Average
14-16 Talented
17-18 Gifted

Ninjutsu (Ninja Technique): 14

Genjutsu (illustration Technique): 10

Taijutsu (Martial Arts Technique): 13

Kekkei Genki (bloodline traits): -

Doujustu (Eye Technique): None

Kinjustu (Forbidden Technique): 1

Fuuinjutsu (Sealing Technique): 1

Nido: "I'm not going to run away, I never go back on my word! That's my ninja way!" (Shares this with Naruto)

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