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"You can't stay mad at Prim forever Padfoot" James tried to reason with him

"I can bloody try"

"Well she's coming with us over break and mum
will yell at you if you dare even raise your voice at her again" James laughed

"Good luck today Prongs" Remus said as they all made their way down to the quidditch fields for the final game

"Good luck today Prim" Lily hugged her one last time before going to the stands

"Remember to score as much as we can"

It was raining terribly and hard to even see and hold onto a broom

Prim saw her parents next to Mrs. Black and in the front the Potters.

The game was brutal the slytherin team knew that they would only lose because of James and Prim

It had only been five minutes when Prim looked over and Nott threw the blundger right at James' head

"JAMES" She flew down and grabbed him he was unconscious

"Ms. Avery send in your replacement Mr. Potter won't be playing today" Madam Pomfrey took him away

They were screwed and she knew it.

The replacement for James hadn't even played a single game in her life

"Marlene they're killing us with those bludgers"

She was about to score when Muliber struck her on the chest with a bludger. She felt a bone crack

She already was feeling weak but still managed to score only getting the Slytherin team more angry

As she recovered the quaffle another bludger hit her on her rib cage making her spit out blood. But she was not a quitter she was in extreme pain but still with her amazing chasing skills scored once again

Regulus knew the Slytherin plan was to break the dynamic duo of Potter and Avery but he was angry that they took out James and still were hitting Prim

As she lifted up her arm to throw the quaffle in a bludger snapped her hand in half

Despite the pain and the fact that she could hardly breathe she held on tightly and continued to play.

Regulus was tired of seeing her get beat up

He looked now for the snitch he knew she would not give up unless the game was over

But Nott this time wanted to have more fun and was slightly mad at her for sleeping with Regulus

The same second that Regulus caught the snitch Nott struck her in the back of the head with a bludger

In seconds she fell off her broom and fell down hundreds of feet

The slytherin team had won but no one but the slytherin house was cheering. The crowds were quiet and everyone looked in shock as Regulus Black carried her body to the infirmary not celebrating with his team

"What happened to her" Sirius had went to the infirmary with James

Prim had a cracked skull, three broken ribs, her colarbone had snapped in half and her forearm was fractured

"Your daughter is a foolish girl" Mrs. Black looked at Prim bleeding and still flying

"I fear she will never get married" Her mum shook

"That's not what I heard" She shrugged

"Go on Walburga" She wanted to know more

"My son tells me that the pureblood boys at the school would give their left arm to marry your daughter" She gave a look of approval

"With that attitude she'd never accept a marriage proposal oh Walburga I just don't understand where we went wrong" She shook her head

"You raised her in the county an abandoned hillside what she needs is a summer in the city to see what life is really like"

"Aldis hated the city like he'd ever get a house out there"

"Send her with me Bedelia, Narcissa and Bella are always over they can speak with her as well"

"Yes Mrs. Avery I can tell her all about the wonders of married life" Narcissa Black now Malfoy added

"You are too generous" Her mother agreed

Prim laid unconscious for a little over a week. Lily and Marlene stayed with her the most. They would braid her hair and talk to her for hours on end.

Late at night around 2am Regulus would go visit her. He just liked to sit and hold her hand. Her hand was always warm and he hated seeing her like this. He noticed now the smallest detail in her face like she had a very small scar on the side of her jaw and her eyes twitched when she slept

"Sirius?" She only could see the hair

"Sorry wrong brother" Regulus got up

"You came to see me?" She held his hand again

"Prim you've been out for a week" He sat back down next to her

"My head hurts so badly" she touched the back of her head

"Say the words and i'll kill Nott, Prim I promise all you have to do is ask" he remembered how badly he fought with Theo

"Look at you so riled up, i've never even heard you raise your voice" she smiled

"Prim a week in a coma and you're still a smart arse" he kissed her hand

"I'll always be a smart arse you can count on that" She cupped his face with one hand

"I missed you in divination, no one else found it funny when they got the Grim" he chuckled slightly

"Maybe we should stop laughing in deaths face" she smiled

"We'll live forever Prim. I promise"

"I take verbal promises very seriously Regulus, so do not toy with my emotions" she joked

"Forever Prim, you can be mad at me for half of forever and i'll be mad at you the other half" He kissed her hand again

"And we'll only allow three days of peace in between the years" She chuckled

"I'm going back to sleep you'll have forever to keep me up talking but now my head is cracked open and I must sleep"

He stayed with her until she fell asleep

He got up and kissed her forehead "We'll live forever Prim"

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now