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Prim on the day of Regulus' birthday met more family members

The infamous Bellatrix Lestrange and her husband that looked too much like his brother for her liking

Narcissa and Lucius came as well

Rebastian Lestrange and Evan Rosier who she hadn't seen in years came

"If it isn't Primmy" They both gave her longer than needed hugs

The Carrow twins arrived, Muliber and Snape, Nott and Dolohov. And their mutual hate had not died down

"Pity Sirius was disowned" Snape joked as he walked in

"Pity Lily is officially dating James" Prim smiled and Snapes face dropped

"What Snivellus you didn't know?" Prim smirked

"Move Avery you reek of shaggy dog and bloodtraitors"

"Come on Avery you don't have your friends to defend you now" Lestrange approached

"Most of us can use magic now" Muliber and the rest pulled out their wands

"You think i'm fucking scared of you" She laughed

"Ive always wondered if gryffindor's cry when they bleed" Rosier smiled

"What Rosie mad that your fiancé left you and ran off with a muggle" she sneered and right away he slapped her across the face

The hit silenced the room and everyone looked around, they were lucky Walburga was still upstairs

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing" Regulus realized what happened

"Teaching this bitch a lesson, gryffindors princess is looking pretty worthless right now"

"Oh yeah Rosie is that why you asked my parents for my hand in marriage" but before he could answer Regulus pushed him against the wall

"Say one more word about her and i'll fucking kill you Evan you'll be the first" He threw him off

"Come on Primrose" he pulled her away from the commotion

"You're lips cut" He examined her face furious

He put his hands on the kitchen counter and rested his head on her shoulder

"Go Regulus this is your party you shouldn't be hiding in the kitchen" She made him get up

He went and found some essence of dittany to put on her lip

"I'll see you after the party" she put her arms in his shoulder and he placed his hands on her hips

"Regulus?" They broke apart in seconds

"Yes mother I just came for something" he went back outside to the party but Mrs. Black did not leave

"Primrose I would approve of a marriage between you and my son, you have proven that you could be taught and over this last month you've completely changed" She walked closer to her

"We are just friends Mrs. Black" she held her head high

"Go out to the party at once" she demanded and Prim listened

She stood in the corner by herself as Regulus had fun with his friends and was laughing along side of them.  Sometimes it scared her how much he was like them, they thought of themselves as better than everyone and Regulus was the top of the list

Soon the adults started dancing and other younger girls that were there danced with the vile slytherin boys

She saw the girls looking at Regulus hoping he'd ask them to dance but he didn't there was only one girl on his mind

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now