Q.20 What's it like?

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My admin wants to ask a question....

Admin: What's it like to be the admin for Belarus?

Nunavut: What is it like to be feared by so many, Belarus? Also, can I call you Bela?



"That is a very good question. It's a very new thing for me because I am South and North Italy combined all the time. Belaruses character is very fun to explore and act out. Her personality is WAY different from mine so I've had to practice alot but I love doing it." Sammy( Admin) Smiled and looked at the rather quiet Belarusian girl and poked her, " Hey you have a question"

Natalya looked at the question and sighed a look of loneliness crossing her eyes, " Its very lonely and boring at times, Sammy is a great admin she tries to cheer me up when she can. I wish I could be loved like so many other nations are. Not like having friends but someone to hold close on cold nights and drink hot cocoa......If you want to call me that I don't mind it really"

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