Q.45 War names

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Belarus-Chan! Admin-Chan! I almost typed 'Chain', if you all got army nicknames and Belarus-senpai chose the admins, and Admin-chan got to chose Belarus's what would they be?!


Natalya smirked as she looked at Sammi," Sammi or Admin , would more than likely be the Devastator or Silent Shadow. Mainly because once she gets going she don't stop and if she has to hunt you, then you better be WELL hidden"

Sammi smiled," Thanks Nat! Hmmm well Belarus already strikes fear into everyone and she don't even try, but during war she defiantly someone you don't want to cross in the night. I'd say either Deadly Quiet or Angel of Death. Deadly Quiet is because she can be right behind you and you wouldn't know because you're head be rolling on the floor. Angel of Death because Nat has a VERY vast skill of weaponry and can twist and bend into difficult areas just to kill you."

"Anyways I hope that answered your questions!!!" Sammi smiled

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