Try not to kill spooky!

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Gabriella POV:
"Absolutely positively mother fucking not " I said with a straightest face I can possibly have .
"Please if you don't go with me , Oscars going to kill me " ruby said he looked like he was going to shit his pants
" no he won't ruby, and if that's the case why can't Monse or Jamal go ?"
All four of them looked at me like was stupid.
The all bursted out " Not Jamal ". And they're right Jamal talking to Oscar , alone will most definitely result in a dead Jamal .
" and it can't be Monse her mouth will get us killed" I nodded agreeing monse is most definitely a firecracker that will pop at any little thing.
"Ruby's the smartest out of us all but ..."
Monse was cut off by Ruby's nervous outburst
"I'm small ,there's nothing about me that's even remotely intimidating, and on numerous occasions you yourself told me that just looking at me makes you laugh ." I chuckled mowing I probably did tell him that "
"And I don't anybody and I mean anybody favored by being the smartest person in the room. And no one wants to feel dumb when that can't pick up what I'm laying down . It's belittling. You follow? " he asked as he looked like he was on the brink of tears.
"Hm-mmm " I  got up from my seat and started walking into Alec and Ruby's room as ,I shook my head indicating I don't , when whole time I was actually on my phone figuring out an outfit to design to go out to the club with Alec .
" you see , this is what I'm talking about ." He continued on as if he didn't notice I stopped paying attention like 10 mins ago . While Jamal , Ceaser and monse couldn't find this any funnier . And Alec looked up after all 5 of us bust into the room .
"It's not funny guys , i transcend the universal plane of thought .and linger on the precipice of the celestial realm . I can't even keep up with myself. But if all of that isn't convincing enough , then dare k remind you of my sensitive skin and inability to wear thick cotton.• he says as I show Alec the design I was thinking for my new dress. Until I said
" what are you talking about?"
"I said the same thing" monse blurts out
"I can't hide my sweat and I swear profusely when I'm nervous which I am right now , look full clam no shell so I'm begging you Gabriella please come with me to talk to spooky "
He says as everyone just starts clapping at his theatric performance .
" that was so impressive and eloquent totally sold me " I lied seeing Ruby's face visual calm down
"Which is actually why you should go talk to Oscar alone , you're going to do great just put on a performance like you just did and ceaser will be out the gang in no time " I laughed as Ruby starts to cry.
"Ugh fine I'll go with you but all four of  you will owe me a favor "
"Fine  but please try not to kill Oscar " they all groaned and said in unison
"Great text me the Deets" I say leaving the room with Alec so we can go out the and buy things for outfits .

Next morning :
" sausage " abuletia offers Ruby  as he looks nervous but then his does a 180
"is it smoked ?"ruby says  as if he knew something,and abuletia lifts up her brow and nods her head ,and then he just chews a big piece of it off
" wtf is wrong with you " I ask confused and disgusted interrupting their little moment.
I just walk away from the table . "Something is wrong with this family " I say as I start getting ready for the meeting with Oscar . I knew I had to show off what he couldn't have. So I put on a a open v neck leather shirt with a solid grey bralette . To show off my boobs and my chest tattoo.

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