Fourth Year | Visitors

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Your POV ~

"I can't believe Professor Moody did that! Poor Neville looked like he was going to be sick!"
I said angrily.

I pushed my way down the stairs, Millicent and Blaise following as I walked quickly. Professor Moody has decided to teach us about the three forbidden spells, and they're forbidden for a reason.

"At least you didn't get a spider to the face." Draco spat, his anger still present.

We got on with our day, unable to believe that this would slide at Hogwarts. When the day ended, I was going to check on Neville, but he was reading away in the halls. He seemed fine, so I went to my room and grabbed my book bag.

"I have a few things to attend to, I'll see you later."

Millicent smiled, "Let's hope the boys are cute."

I grabbed my books and headed to the library, on my way I saw Cedric Diggory again. He saw me looking and waved, I waved back shyly. I still hadn't told Millicent about my run in with him at the World Cup.

He came towards me, his Hufflepuff uniform was messed up from the day. His tie undone and his robes open, he was handsome.

"Off to study?"

I nodded, "Care to join? Or is that too lame for someone of your caliber?"

He let out a silent laugh, his eyes sparkling.

"I'll join you, but would Malfoy mind?"

"I feel the need to remind you, Malfoy and I aren't dating. And I'm asking, not him." I turned around and walked, not bothering to check if he was coming or not.

I heard his quick steps to catch up with me. Striking up a conversation we talked about our classes and spells we were having trouble with. Diggory was hardworking, that I found out when he talked about how he's constantly trying to perfect the patronus charm.

"Wow, Cedric Diggory, the quidditch champion who beat Harry Potter, can't cast a patronus charm." I teased.

"Potter fell, so it wasn't quite fair."

I chuckled, remembering the time Fred and George told me that Wood tried to drown himself for losing to Hufflepuff.

We got to the library and started studying, occasionally I'd ask for his help on astronomy or divination. Then I found out, he didn't take divination, which was why none of the answers he gave me made sense.

Diggory wasn't so bad, and I could see why Anna was friends with him. He was nice and charming, but he helped me even though he hasn't known me very long. As time ticked away, Diggory and I spent time getting shushed by Madam Pince for laughing too loudly.

"We should go, it's time to greet the guests!" Diggory said, alarmed at the time that had passed.

I packed up my things and we ran to our common rooms. We said our quick goodbyes and I launched my stuff on the bed, barely making it to the assembly line.

"Where were you?" Draco asked, as we walked to the front of the castle.

"I was at the library, homework was brutal."

The Snakes Princess (Draco Malfoy X OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now