Bonus Chapter | Scorpius & Arabella & Adrien

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January 12th, 2013 ~

It was a cold day in Ireland, the ground was muddy from the constant rain. Seven year old Scorpius Malfoy got off the train, holding his grandmother's hand. Narcissa wore a long sleeved black dress, with a green shawl that was lined with fur. Her platinum hair was elegantly down her back, and her nails were a dark red color.

She got to the middle of the platform, making sure Scorpius was warm. She pulled his jacket closer on him, his naturally rosy cheeks were a brighter red now. She smiled, booping his cherry red nose as she stood back up. They walked out of the train station, their breath visible in the air. (Y/n) and Draco were both gone for a mission, so she had Scorpius to herself for the time being.

She didn't tell him where they were going, just that they were going to visit some old friends. She rented a car and drove to a florist, taking Scorpius in with her so he wouldn't freeze in the car. Scorpius' eyes widened in joy, as he ran off to go look at all the flowers. Narcissa went up to the counter, smiling at the woman behind the counter.

"Do you have any Gladioli? Orchids or Hyacinths are fine too." Narcissa asked.

"We have Hyacinths, do you need a bouquet or wreath?"

"Wreath, please." Narcissa said.

The woman took to arranging the flowers for her, as Narcissa watched Scorpius look at the flowers happily. He sniffed some Hydrangeas, his face contorting as he let out a sneeze. His magic had activated, causing hydrangeas to pop into his white-blond hair. He giggled and looked at his Grandmother, who was smiling at him.

Narcissa could see Scorpius was growing up how (Y/n) did, with his pure heart. The lady finished the arrangement and Narcissa called for Scorpius to come hold her hand. They walked back into the car and Narcissa drove towards the Roseore Manor.

"Are we visiting Uncle Leo? I want to show Castor the flowers in my hair." Scorpius said.

"No, honey. We're not going to Uncle Leo's, but we'll be close by."

"Okay!" Scorpius hummed as they drove.

They were in the field not far from the Manor, going down the dirt road into the trees. Narcissa stopped the car, letting Scorpius out and grabbing the flowers. They walked down the path until they saw the pillars. They were old and worn out from the years and weather conditions. There were vines up and down them and each one had a statue of an angel, sword in hand towards the sky. Scorpius knew where they were now, and his happy demeanor became serious.

They walked past various graves, many of them were neatly in rows, tall with statues. One of the graves they walked by was the grave of Arianhrod and Leonidas Roseore, which had a carving of the two in death holding hands. Their eyes were closed and their love was set beautifully in bronze, which had changed color over time. They came to a familiar white angel, which had grayed over eighteen years. The moss hadn't taken over, but it was there.

The angel was now looking at another angel beside it, Adrien's grave. The trees that had been behind them had gotten chopped down years ago due to an infestation. Now there only laid flowers from their children and friends.

"Why don't you put these there, dear." Narcissa said, handing Scorpius the wreath.

Scorpius took the wreath, walking over to the grave. He set the one down but took one of the hyacinths off of the wreath, setting it on Adrien's grave.

"Grandma wanted him to have one." Scorpius said.

"That sounds like Bells." Narcissa sighed.

No longer able to keep it together, Narcissa wept. She wept like she had eighteen years ago when Draco had sent her a letter saying what happened. Arabella had been Narcissa's best friend, even though they were on opposite sides back then. She had met Arabella on the train their first year, becoming friends after Narcissa had scraped her knee. Narcissa had cried that day, worried what her mother would say if she found out, but Arabella gave her a bandaid and calmed her down.

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