Greenroom IX

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Kisuke quickly tempered the chocolate, using the scoops to glide it across the chilled slab of marble in the kitchen

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Kisuke quickly tempered the chocolate, using the scoops to glide it across the chilled slab of marble in the kitchen.

"That's it," I praised him. "You're really getting the hang of candy making now."

"I should hope so after doing it for—how many years has it been?"

"Gosh, I don't remember."

Kisuke's lips twitched into a ghost of a smile. Yoruichi let out a very quiet snore, and curled closer to me. Yoruichi and I were under the kotatsu table. It was winter so I had set up the heater underneath it. Coupled that with a thick, cozy blanket, and it was hard not to nap under it.

The 2nd division captain had returned from a year-long investigation in the Rukongai outer districts. Something about some corrupt nobles starting up a sex slave market which was a big fat No-No in Soul Society. One family she had hidden with had really helped her out, so she included in her report to see if they could be moved into Seireitei and sponsor a few of their members into the academy.

I had to admit it was alarming to read that part of the report. Yoruichi really took a shine to someone named Isshin Shiba.

Isshin was the name of Ichigo's dad, but I didn't recognize the last name. I had no clue when Ichigo's father was even supposed to be born. I was still a few centuries away before I really had to be concerned about that.

'Isshin,' I thought to myself as I read the report. 'Heck, why not? I'll second her sponsor to move the family into Seireitei. I've got enough money to pay for Isshin's admittance to the academy, too.'

Who knew. If he did well enough he could elevate his family status to that of a noble.

'Pfft. Yeah, right.'

My eyes narrowed as I continued to stare at the name.

'My protagonist senses are tingling. It can't be the same Isshin, can it? Let's see... when was he supposed to have been the 10th division Captain? Was it before or after the Hollowfication incident?'

I couldn't remember. The current 10th division captain was Kensei Muguruma. Kensei had originally been the 9th division captain, but since I stole the 5th division for myself it caused all kinds of whacky shenanigans with who captained the divisions now.

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