Greenroom III

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0 b.c. / 0 a.d.

Genryūsai had taken to training like a duck to water. He had the basics down in the first decade, and the more advanced usage of spiri—ugh, I mean reiatsu was conquered over the next couple of decades. He invented over a hundred unique abilities. All the original kidō moves (divided into hadō for direct attacks, bakudō for battle support, barriers, seals, and kaidō for healing), as well as with the addition of a few dozen more that I taught him from my past stints on other worlds. Most of the new additions centered around healing—old habits died hard—but there were a few traps, and completely badass looking offenses.

He had, inevitably, obtained his wickedly cool zanpakutō who was way nicer than my Evil™ zanpakutō. The moment we started training with his zanpakutō in play his power exponentially increased.

Enough so that he started going around Soul Society and beating up scumbags like some kind of batman.

Who killed.

Genryūsai definitely killed.

This, in turn, led to some power struggles between old school gangs and I had to step in a few times to help with a couple massacres. Only a couple because I was not evil like my zanpakutō.


Anywhore, about a decade of doing that significantly cut down on the Soul Society population and put Genryūsai and myself at the top of the food chain.

So by the time 0 b.c. / a.d. rolled around... Genryūsai decided to take control of the situation.

By that I mean he formed the Gotei 13.

It was still in the early beta stages, of course. Most of them were previous gang leaders that Genryūsai beat the snot out of until they came around to his side. Due to all the, ah, purging there weren't many soldiers left to assist the Gotei 13, but we made do.

With the 13 of us working together we managed to piece together some semblance of order in the Soul Society.

And then bursts of hollows would flood the world so we didn't have much time to breathe let alone build a perfect military, but, you know, time was on our side.


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