. 4

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Note: There is a lemon for this story somewhere :) above the clouds. Also, this story is in 2nd POV but with an OC.

It was interesting to see some of the students at the school just return especially Yuna. Of course, she didn't remember what happened because if she knew, you wouldn't be beside her as she idolizes M-21 right now.

"Oh..." she said with stars in her eyes as she stared at M-21 hard along with the other girls in the area. 

"Who is he?"

"I have never seen him here before."

"He's hot!"

All the girls around looking at him with hearts in their eyes as they looked at him. He simply looked around ignoring the looks until he noticed you and held his stiffen slightly. You walked up towards him and put your hand out as he slapped it and then you turned it to the side and he slapped it. The girls were confused at what you both were doing until Shinwoo yelled-

"They are doing a handshake! How does Seraphina know him?!" Shinwoo yelled.

You simply ignored his outburst and pounded fist with M-21 and then waved as he gave a small smile at you and waved back. 

You proceeded to class and took your seat. Since your confrontation with Raizel and your memories restored you have tried to live your life as normal as possible but that wasn't remotely possible considering the fact that now your fiancee was in school. 

You turned your attention towards the window to watch life as it was today. Completely different from 850 years ago. 

"Morning, Rai," Ik-Han said as the doors slid open. 

Instantly, the night of his sensual ministrations, all while pressing fleeting kisses on your body along with our mutual pleasure and his words of praise really had me blushing intensely.

"Hey, long time no see," Shinwoo said, "How've you been?"

Rai was silent as usual causing me to turn my attention towards him and notice him look down at Shinwoo's arm.

"Does it look that new and unusual to you?" Shinwoo asked.

Soon as those words left his mouth, Rai pulled out a permanent marker and uncapped it. He then placed the tip of the marker on Shinwoo's cast and began drawing a cute cat on the cast. Whoever thought he was such an artist.

"You just can't help wanting to doodle on it, huh?" Ik-han stated as he laughed.

The girls in the class were in adoration at Rai's action. You simply turned your attention back towards the window and focused on looking outside. 

"Seraphina!!!!!!" the next person yelled out as they ran up to your desk and began shaking your clothing.

"Hm?" you questioned.

"W-Why didn't you tell me you knew him!" Yuna yelled, "Why?! We are supposed to be best friends!"

"S-Sorry," you apologized with a bit of a sweatdrop on her actions, "He is a neighbor of mine so he has seen me grow up."

That was a blatant lie that was best for her to know. She didn't need to get involved in this supernatural stuff. It was the reason why Raizel erased her memories in the first place.

"A-ah..." Yuna said as she was stunned at what she was looking at

You turned your attention towards what had captured his attention to see Raizel in front of your desk with his hands in his pocket as he stared down at you with those blood-red eyes.

"Seraphina," Raizel started causing the girls in the class to gasp from shock and the boys in the class to be irked by his action. Popularity among you both was equal, he was popular among the girls and you the boys, "We are still on for our date."

"WHAT?!" the girls and guys in the class yelled out in unison.

"EXCUSE ME!" Yuna yelled, "Explain yourself! One minute you wanted to fight Rai for stealing your macaroons and now you guys are going on a date! What happened!"

"Why did he cause all this commotion? He knew the answer to that question so did he do all this because he  was it possibly because he was jealous?" you thought as you glanced at him knowing he was waiting for an answer causing you to smile, "Cute."

"Yeah, we are," I assured with a soft smile on my face as he cracked a smile causing the girls to gasp even more and pull out their smartphones and take photos of the moment happening in front of them. He even took it a step further and placed his hand under your chin causing Yuna to let go and back up from the moment. 

"I can't wait," he thought to you as you smiled back and nodded slightly. He pulled his hand away and walked back towards his desk and took his seat. Moments later the teacher came in and began writing the math formula on the board. It was a Calculus 2 problem.

The sound of the shutter could be heard as you heard Ik-han try to hush down Shinwoo for doing such a thing.

"Seraphina, what's the answer?" Mr.Park asked.

"ln (3/8)" I responded.

"It's like she is a human calculator," the students whispered to each other.


"When you are alive for 850 years, you know how to solve for Partial-faction decomposition," you thought to yourself.

"What is that?" a voice asked in your head.

Sometimes you have to remind yourself that your thoughts aren't really to yourself the moment Raizel and yourself were intimate. You turned around and noticed Raizel looking directly at you. You knew he was staring at you the whole class but seriously, during these present times, it was plain creepy.

"Partial-fraction decomposition is the process of starting with the simplified answer and taking it back apart, of "decomposing" the final expression into its initial polynomial fractions." you answered via thoughts causing him Hn" in response. 

You just knew that this was going to be an interesting and long school year.

Noblesse-Cadis Etrama Di Raizel- Short StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon