Chapter 4: Let the Battle Begin

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'Originally I didn’t entertain the idea of learning magic because I didn’t need it, but that was before.

Fitting Jennette’s and the Duke’s malicious nature, I’ll have at least two or three assassins come at me.

And I’m not assured that they’ll only do combat fighting.

To the books of geography, like I said, I’ve won the hearts of commoners by helping them discover and manage their lands.

I learnt agriculture, agronomy and things like that, with the books I was provided. But, the books owned by the emperor are on a whole new level.

I do have a vast knowledge on things like that, but I need to know the climate situations about this world.

It’s been news that there’s going to be a vote among ministers about the rose garden some nobles are vying for.

Since I’ve gone through my debut, I can now be allowed into those kinds of meetings.

Asides from attending with my position as Princess, I am also an important vassal in to the emperor, with my commitment towards the people.

And the rose garden idea is absolute rubbish. One, the location they suggested. From what I’ve studied about the land they want to use to plant the roses.

It’s the territory of Viscount Dorthen. That land contains strange fruits which are unknown to the people, but, I know what crop that is. It’s a crop called corn.

In my past world, corn, had various uses. It could be cooked and also be used for other deserts like my favorite, blancmange.

Blancmange is a cold dessert made with milk, sugar, flavorings, and cornstarch. It’s similar to a desert in this world called pudding.

Besides from corn the land is also very fertile and grows other important crops to the people.

And these nobles want a rose garden to be built there? But by my observations that isn’t the only reason they want it built there.

The person who planted the thought in the mind of nobles was none other than our ‘lovely’ protagonist.

She quietly spread this idea in the shadows. I noticed she was really persistent with the idea, so how could I not investigate.

By what I’ve reasoned that land is also an important resource to all the orphanages that were built in my name.

A smart move I shall say, but I have over a hundred ways to deal with that small problem.

But, Viscount Dorthen himself is in favor of the rose garden. Which greedy noble wouldn’t? It would be an opportunity for you to boast your wealth. Nobles gathering in your territory.

If luxury taxes were to be collected he would be the most to gain out of this.

However, even if he is in favor of it now doesn’t mean his mind couldn’t be changed. Well, with some dirt that is. 

I also need to learn poisons of this world. I already know well of all the poisons I’ve read about, since they were in my old world, but more knowledge will be included in the emperor’s library'

“Yawn. All you’ve done is study since you’ve been here. I really don’t see the need.”

“You know fully well now that there’s a second princess there will be the fight for the throne and my opponent isn’t easy” Anthanasia said writing down her plans.

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