Chapter 9

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Regina looked around satisfied. She'd been rather nervous to lead this meeting full of people she didn't know, but it had gone better than she could've hoped.

Everyone had seemed genuinely interested and listened to her ideas to make Storybrooke a better place.

She watched as the crowd left and saw that one man took his time gathering his things. She remembered him from High School, but didn't know whether it was appropriate to start a conversation with him.

Eventually, she figured it wouldn't be of any harm, and when he closed his bag, she stood up to talk to him.

"Killian Jones?" she questioned and the man immediately turned around. He flashed her a smile and nodded.

"Regina Mills. It feels like I haven't seen you in like forever," Killian said with enthusiasm and Regina approached him.

She didn't know whether she should shake the man's hand or give him a hug, but Killian ended up pulling her in a hug to properly greet her.

"That's right, it's been a while," Regina replied. She'd been glad to notice at least one person among the group and she remembered Killian as quite a fun guy. "How are you?" she asked, to be polite but also because she was genuinely interested.

"I'm doing great. Hey, I'd love to talk to you more, but I fear my colleague is waiting for me and he's new, so I should probably go," Killian said.

Regina nodded understood and smiled. "Of course. Good luck with work."

"Perhaps we can catch up soon?"

"Yes. I- I'd like that," Regina said and she actually meant it. The only one she'd seen from her time in High School, since she was back in Storybrooke, was Ruby - she hadn't even shared a word with that woman, because she hadn't been entirely sure whether it was, in fact, Ruby, and how she were to approach the girl. They'd never been best friends.

Beside Ruby the only one she had seen was Emma, which hadn't been under the best circumstances and she had no idea how she was supposed to act around that blonde woman.

"Are you free tonight?" Killian asked. He always liked planning things shortly beforehand and he was glad to see Regina nodding.

"Yes, I don't think I have anything planned for tonight yet." She'd actually been looking forward to a free Saturday night, enjoying a glass of red wine in a hot bath, but she figured she'd be able to make some changes in her schedule.

"Well, maybe you can have dinner at our place, tonight?"

"Our?" Regina asked confused. She didn't know Killian was with someone and she knew that was because she hadn't checked up on anyone's life. "You're married?"

"Yes, I am, actually," Killian said proudly. "Wait, you know Emma Swan, don't you?"

Regina swallowed. She remembered Emma and Killian dating in High School, but the thought of them still together hadn't crossed her mind once.

"Tonight, you said? I'm sorry, I just realized me and my mother had made plans for tonight." The lie was bad, Regina was aware of that and she immediately saw that Killian didn't buy it.

"Emma already said your bond was strange," Killian said softly and smiled.

"So, it were your children I found in my pool?" Regina asked. She actually wasn't angry about that anymore - it had merely been annoying, because she'd had a long day - but she didn't want to talk about Emma Swan.

Killian looked guilty at the mayor and nodded. "Yes, and I'm so sorry about that."

They both kept quiet for a moment. Killian was hoping for a response and Regina was praying that the man would just go away soon, because she needed to contemplate the fact that he was married to Emma Swan alone.

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