Chapter 5: An Unexpected (and Unpleasant) Surprise

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A/N 1: Gonna write this while working on the meme page, just b/c I can. I'm also so fucking angry at my friend right now for no fucking reason- I don't know why. AAAAAAAAAAAA- I want to either scream or cry... I also want to punch something while I'm doing either or. I love this feeling soooo much-
A/N 2: What is time?... I want to do something and I have no idea how long the time skips were...
Oh wait- We're good now. I can do the thing >:3 I'm sorry to depress you all (and no, I can't English if you're wondering.)


Amity opened her eyes to see darkness. She looked behind her to see the portal door close behind her, fold up, and disappear. She faced forward to see another door... Well, more door frame than a door. She walked out to the front porch of an old abandoned house that she landed in, a forest surrounding the empty property. It was quiet, the distant, muffled sound of... Some kind of unfamiliar noise and the sound of the gentle breeze could be heard. No flying beasts and demons could be seen in the air, the sky was pretty clear, which was surprising for the young witch to see... It also made her uneasy.

Amity made her way down to the grass. Nature here was much greener than the Boiling Isles; Willow would appreciate this... Come on, Amity. Focus! We got to find Luz! 

Her ears twitched as Amity strained to listen for anything close by that sounds like Luz. She decided to start walking, figuring that if she found some form of human civilization that she could find Luz faster. She threw up the hood to cover her ears since that would be the easiest thing to cover the most obvious thing that other humans don't have. Plus, this is a quick trip, in and out, no time to worry about looking like the other humans... For now. 

The forest seemed less hostile the farther Amity walked. At least, nothing dangerous in the human realm had tried to attack her yet. Then, her ears picked up a snapping noise, anxiety shooting through her body, and dived behind the nearest tree. She steadied her breathing, figuring whatever made that snapping noise was coming closer. But nothing did. She poked her head from behind the tree and picked up to voices from the distance. It was hard to discern what they were saying, so Amity carefully and quietly picked her way toward the direction of the voices. 

A wooden fence came into view, right at the edge of the forest, along with the house it was attached to. A few feet from the fence, Amity saw multiple houses, all lined up in a row, on both sides of a black-colored path. She snuck over to the fence to find out who the voices belonged to. When she did find out, she couldn't stop the tears from forming and the smile that crept onto her face.

"Christ, that was close. I almost lost another limb." Caleb said, holding his almost snapped finger. 

"Yeah, we don't need you to miss more days because you lost your finger." Luz agreed. 

Caleb's leg had gotten worse and his father had taken him to the ER. From the scan taken, there was a benign tumor that was developing on the knee. There was no way to treat it without losing the function of his knee and his lower leg; the only solution was amputation. The surgery was successful, resulting in a few days to spend in the hospital before being released to recover at home with an artificial leg as a 'gift'. Of course, the work he missed had piled up and resulted in one or two all-nighters just to try and catch up with everyone else. He still had some left, but not too much to completely fall behind.

Both children were sitting outside, Caleb sitting in a chair (Camila brought it out) and Luz sitting on the ground. They were working on a science project that would fall under the category of physics, but the school decided to let the science students do the project early to gauge how the students can handle harder projects and change to the curriculum if need be (which they probably won't, but why not give the students a bit of hope that it might actually happen.) The project was to build a cart of some sort with a mousetrap being its 'engine'. They were allowed to use any materials, within reason and nothing electrical. Everything that they did with the cart with each test run, a record of current and any new materials, and any objectives had to be recorded in notebooks. Nothing too complicated, right?

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