I'm Good

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Mark: Hey man
Mark: You free today?

Ethan stared at his phone screen from his place in his bed. He's trying to think of the best way to respond for the easiest outcome. Technically, yes, he's free today; but does he feel like going out? He really needs to edit a few videos both for his channel and for Unus Annus. Realistically, Ethan knows he probably wouldn't end up being productive anyway because of how he's been feeling though.

He let out a sigh and mumbled, "Just another thing wrong with me."

Ethan: Yeah, I guess
Ethan: Why?

Groaning, he set his phone back down on his nightstand and pulled his blankets off. Ethan sat up and stretched, causing Spencer to wake up too.

"Mornin' Spence," Ethan said through a yawn. He stood up and unplugged his phone, checking quickly to see if Mark responded. Of course he didn't though, Mark sucks at responding.


Ethan and Spencer took a morning walk around a few blocks. The brisk fall air made Ethan shiver and pull his hoodie closer while he waited for Spencer to finish his business.

After he was done and Ethan cleaned it up, the two headed back to the apartment where Ethan disposed of the bag. As he was unlocking the door, Ethan felt his phone vibrate a few times in his back pocket. He finished getting inside and unclipped Spencer's leash before he pulled out his phone to check it.

Brian: Hey dude
Brian: Wanna do a video together later?
Brian: We haven't in a while

Ethan let out a small breath he hadn't realized he was holding after seeing it wasn't from Mark.

Ethan: Not today. Maybe next week though
Ethan: Sorry, I'm really busy with Unus Annus and all that

Three dots popped up and Brian wrote back almost instantly.

Brian: Let me know when you're free then

Ethan: For sure

With that, Ethan put his phone back in his pocket and headed off to his kitchen to make some breakfast.


He was sitting on the couch with Spencer watching Netflix when he felt his phone vibrate again. He pulled it out and saw the message notification had Mark's name at the top. Ethan opened his phone and read over the texts.

Mark: Amy and I were gonna do a movie night if you wanna come over
Mark: We're also ordering takeout
Mark: You can pick the place

Ethan sighed. Does he really want to do this? Is he really feeling up to going out; much less, seeing Mark? Ethan knows it's almost selfish of him to not want to see Mark for something Mark didn't even know he did. He knows he has no right being as hurt as he is from every small comment at his expense. His throat began clenching again as he thought about all the small mistakes he's made that Mark turned into big deals and his fingers moved on their own.

Ethan: Yeah, sounds fun

He sat there looking at his blue response. Grey dots appeared and, shortly after, a grey response followed.

Mark: Cool. Does 6:30 work for you?

Ethan: Yeah

Shaking fingers slipped his phone back into his pocket as he stood up to get ready to leave in an hour. Spencer hopped off the couch and followed Ethan into his room.


Mark set five movie c.d. cases on the coffee table. They were the ones he and Amy wanted to watch the most. The two had decided to give Ethan the final pick.

Their doorbell sounded and Amy yelled, "I got it," as she walked to the door.

Mark sat down on the couch and grabbed the end of a rope hanging out of Chica's mouth. The two were playing tug-of-war when Amy shut the door and walked to the kitchen.

"Foods here," she said as she started digging around the bags and pulling the different orders out. She opened the drawer to get the needed utensils when their door bell sounded again.

"That must be him then," Mark said, grunting as he got up to answer the door.


The three were sat on the couch. Their food was mostly gone and the movie was wrapping up. Ethan was more focused on sitting still than he was on the plot though. Mark had glanced at him a few times wondering why he wasn't fidgeting or commenting on the movie as usual.

After a few more minutes, the end credits were rolling. The three stretched out and started to get up. Once Mark was up, Amy subtly gestured for him to follow her. He grabbed the trash from dinner and walked with her out to the kitchen where he threw it out.

"What's wrong?" Mark asked in a hushed voice.

"I'm gonna go out to Michael's for some more clay so you guys have time to talk, okay?" Amy replied in the same soft tone.

"Okay," Mark sighed out. "How do I even bring it up though? You know he's just gonna say he's fine."

"I know Mark but you and I both know that he needs you right now."

"Yeah," he said and sighed again. "Yeah, I know."

Amy smiled at him then yelled a goodbye to Ethan as she walked out of the house to get in her car. Mark ran his hand over his face then walked back to the living room to help Ethan finish cleaning up dinner.


The two were sat on the couch on their phones with a thick tension between them. Both had something to say but neither of them wanted to say it. Mark finally groaned and decided to just get it over with so they had more time to talk.

"Hey, Eth?"

"Yeah?" Ethan responded without looking up from his phone. He knew where this conversation was going and subconsciously pushed himself farther from Mark.

"You uh," Mark cleared his throat. Getting Ethan to open up was never easy. "You know that you can always talk to me, right?"

Ethan glanced up at him and offered a small smile. "Yeah, I know."

"Do you- do you need to talk about anything?"

"Nah man, I'm good."


1030 words

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