two | arrival

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Though it was quite a hassle, Barry eventually managed to make his way through the crowd and out into the courtyard.

On the first day of school each year, the activities fair would be hosted outside in the courtyard, in order for students to learn more about and sign up for clubs and activities.

Barry thought it was exciting to visit the fair each year; he always enjoyed seeing all the different people doing what they loved.

He didn't spend too much time looking around, however, because the academic team's booth sat only a few tables down from the school's entrance.

Barry had been on the academic team every year since seventh grade. Dr. Wells, the coach, saw great potential in him, and always seemed fond of having him on the team.

Making his way over to the table, he greeted the representative that stood behind it and picked up the pen that laid on the table.

Once looking down at the sign-up sheet, he saw that while he was very early to the fair, someone had beat him to taking the first slot on the paper. Though it surprised him, he found himself shocked when he read the name.

"Lena Luthor," He muttered to himself.

Having been told by Kara all about her cousin, Barry knew quite a lot about his arch rival, Lex Luthor, and recognized Lena as his adopted sister.

As if on cue, a voice spoke up as soon as he said the name aloud.


Barry whipped his head around.

"H-hi," He replied.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, I just saw that you were interested in academic team too, so I thought I'd come and introduce myself," Lena apologized.

"N-no, it's fine, I was just a little surprised that you had already made it to the sign-ups,"

Lena laughed. "Well, I guess it's just the perfectionist in me." Barry nodded.

After a long, uncomfortable silence, Lena finally spoke up again.

"Oh, yes, I'm Lena. Lena Luthor," She held out her hand to him and he, though reluctant, took it.

"Luthor, as in- uh... Lex Luthor?" Barry stuttered. Lena sighed.

"Yes, unfortunately. Is it really that obvious?" She asked sadly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or anything, I just have a friend that doesn't... have very good history with him,"

"No worries, I'm sure a lot of people can say the same," She replied.

Realizing that he was holding up a line of people behind him, Barry quickly bent down and scribbled his name onto the sign-up sheet. Stepping out of the way, he turned back to Lena.

"So, you're Barry Allen?" She asked. Barry tilted his head.

"I read the name. Besides, I've actually heard of you before." She answered his silent question.

"You have?"

"Of course, I did a bit of research before coming here, and you just so happen to be one of the Arrow academic team's star members," He nodded in response, smiling at what he took to be a compliment.

"Uh, thanks, I guess." He said.

There was another uncomfortable silence.

"Well, I should probably get going if I plan on making the Greek Mythology sign-up." Lena finally said.

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