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Senior year.

Oliver had been waiting for it since... well, kindergarten.

Now that he was here, though, he found himself growing more and more confused about who he was going to be. He wasn't even sure who he was now.

As he looked around him, he saw his friends, and his peers, all of which had the rest of their lives laid out in front of them.

What was Oliver going to do, spend the rest of his life running his father's company?

He definitely hoped not.

The Arrow School was just as elegant as ever. Each wall donned a velvet banner of emerald green, scarlet, or royal blue. Some had been meticulously painted to read inspirational quotes in foreign languages. An oddball student that Oliver didn't know too well, Querl Dox, had managed to decode them in seconds, leaving the rest of the school to question why each of the phrases had been spoken by persons with such questionable names as "The Flash", "Black Canary", and "Martian Manhunter".

Oliver thought that the place looked more like a university than a normal school. He had been here since he began his education, and for the first few years, he was convinced that his school was a castle, which wouldn't be too far off.

He always assumed that he was sent here because of the wealth his parents had, but now that he stood alongside an alien girl with ten thousand times the strength of a human and a boy who preaches that his mother was killed by a blur (whatever that meant), he wasn't so sure.


Oliver whipped his head around. Without him noticing, Barry had made his way through the halls to him, Kara riding on his back as usual.

"Hey guys, what's up?" He clearly lacked the enthusiasm pumping through both his friends.

Kara jumped off of Barry's back, releasing her arms from around his neck and pulling her legs from his grip before plopping onto the floor.

"What do you mean, 'What's up?' It's the last first day of school!" Kara bounced up and down, as though trying to spread her excitement to Oliver.

"I just..." Oliver paused. "Do you ever think about what's going to happen after school's over?"

"Uh, yeah, but then I remember that it's still going to suck whether I think about it or not," Barry joked. Kara laughed wholeheartedly.

"I'm serious guys, I just-" Oliver tried to reason with them but was cut off when Kara let out a small gasp, a smile forming on her face again.

"What?" Barry asked.

"I'll be right back," She said before racing down the hall.

Barry and Oliver shared questioning looks as they watched her sprint toward her destination. She slowed down to a sneaking position, so as to not be seen, then tapped on someone's shoulder.

The mystery person turned around.

Oh, Barry thought. It's just Mon-El.

Mon-El, the star quarterback and one of the most popular guys in school, had been Kara's boyfriend since Valentine's Day, and Barry wasn't ashamed to admit that it was driving him insane.

"Barry, you're giving her the look again," Oliver quietly muttered in Barry's ear.

Barry quickly shook his head free of his daze.

"Yeah, sorry, were you saying something?"

"No, you'd think by now you'd know I'd never try talking to you if Kara's not by your side, specifically if she's next to Mon-"

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