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The Winning Suggestion by RogueWriter55:

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The Winning Suggestion by RogueWriter55:

Estrad finally keeps his end of the bargain.

The orbs in Zaheria's arms emitted a soft golden-silver light as she carried them towards a temporary entrance to the Underworld. Unlike the rocks she had turned Estrad and their two companions into, these were light as a feather. Still, she felt like a momma bear guarding her cubs when holding the fragile souls.

She gingerly set them down at the gateway's edge and stepped back. One by one, they drifted to the fist-sized hole and went down towards their next life. She watched the last glow fade away into the depths with a sad smile before turning back towards the crevasse.

The souls of the deceased nagas had flocked towards the ravine, letting themselves get trapped in it. The magic had deceived them, making them think it was done by one linked with Death. She shook her head at their sorry state. Their essence was still marred with the confusion and fear that came shortly after death.

With a soft sigh, she flew back to the ravine. Only a handful of the souls remained. Like the last armful, she turned into orbs and carried them to the gateway, watching them disappear into the depths. Her half brothers and sisters would take care of them now.

She stood at the edge of the gorge, her black wings fluttering in the breeze. The early morning glow barely illuminated the lifeless and soulless corpses all around her. Whoever was still alive had been carried away by the nagas while she worked invisibly. And now, hours later, she was the only one left, standing or otherwise.

Except for one other being. The white mare almost glowed in the weak light. Her horn almost touched the ground as she sniffed the three rocks piled on top of each other beneath a tree.

Zaheria stepped towards the unicorn, letting the magical cloak that hid her from mortals' eyes fall away. The beautiful creature looked up, her eyes hidden by the looming shadows that clung to the last of night.

'There are beings in these rocks?' she asked. 'I can feel them in there.'

"Yes, there are. I put them in there for their protection. They will be released soon." The angel watched the unicorn with curiosity. What was one of those rare creatures doing away from her team, and why was she on a battlefield?

'How... unusual. I like it. Can I take one of them?' She nudged the pile with the snout. Before they could topple, Zaheria grabbed the rocks and held them in her arms.

"I'm afraid not. These are living beings. Letting them stay in rock form is only cruel." With a little magic, she made the three smooth stones invisible. "Now, what are you doing here? This is no place for a unicorn."

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