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The Winning Suggestions by Alegria_xxx and KaiseyElysian:

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The Winning Suggestions by Alegria_xxx and KaiseyElysian:

Xaray uses his wings to fly and carries Vasa. They have to work together and trust each other to get out.
Another vampire appears to take Athua's prey. The two vampires fight amongst themselves for the right to claim Xaray and Vasa.

Xaray looked at the rather smug vampire. The fact that her captives were now armed didn't seem to bother her in the least. Her grin actually widened when Vasa raised her wavy daggers and Xaray drew his sword.

"You are not the first vampire I have slain, Sayya-spawn. I have faced far worse than you." He stared her down as he moved into a fighting stance. The mixture of calmness and adrenaline that came right before battle pumped through his veins, clearing his mind and giving him strength.

Her laugh echoed between the cave walls. "I am the first one to have captured you. I will not let all my efforts go to waste before I get a good few drinks of your partly divine blood, demigod. Come here."

The command burrowed itself in Xaray's mind. He drew up a mental barrier, blocking it out, but it had already gone too deep. His body took a step forward, and another, and then another. Inwardly, he cursed himself, but he couldn't stop moving until he was right in front of Athua.

"Fighting is useless, little demigod. The sooner you get that into that dense skull of yours, the better. You know, it would be much faster if you let me place it in there for you." The corner of her lips curled up in an amused smirk. "Now, lower your weapon, will you? There's no place for that here."

Despite his venomous glare, his hands moved on their own accord until the tip of his sword rested on the ground. He fought for control over his body and mind, erecting all the barriers he could, but the two massive expenses of magic had left him exhausted. Again, he cursed himself in his head, this time for not controlling himself better.

Something whistled through the air. Xaray looked up at the sound. His gaze locked on the two glowing red eyes in the darkness further up the cave moments before an arrow buried itself into the vampire's gut. She looked down at the wound, surprise colouring her features as she grabbed the crossbow bolt's metal tip. Frost spread outwards, covering her fingers.

Quick as lightning, Xaray dropped his sword and grabbed one of his knives, charging at the undead warrior. He would deal with the second entity later. First, it was Athua's turn. He slashed her throat before darting out of her reach again, careful not to let any of her blood get into his mouth or eyes.

Shadows started dancing around her as she let out a vicious hiss. Blood poured down her neck and drenched her clothing as she spoke, colouring her skin black in the darkness. "Whoever it is you have summoned here, they will be of no help to you, little demigod. Nor you, my little snake."

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