Chapter Twenty Eight

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A few months later...

Aria's P.O.V.

I looked in the mirror and looked at my large baby bump, I knew that my daughter was going to be a big baby. I had been experiencing a lot of back pain and the baby was restless during the night. But, Clay was there and he talked to the baby and politely asked her to stop kicking, she actually complied and left me alone for the rest of those nights.

I had to run the grocery store that day, as well as run a few other errands. Clay was a little worried about me asking if I was sure that I wanted to go out while I was weeks away from giving birth. But, I told him that I would be fine and that if anything did happen, I would call him right away. That day, it was raining outside, and a giant fog had spread across the town. I waited for about an hour for the fog to pass, but the fog cloud didn't move an inch.

"I'm sure everything will be fine, but I'll still be careful while driving," I said to Clay as I looked out the window of our new apartment. It was bigger than our first apartment having three bedrooms and two bathrooms, Clay and Justin had been working on the baby's room, and when they were done, I was so surprised and I knew that my daughter would love her room. While they were working on the room, I would watch them from the hallway, and I imagined my daughter running around in the park, giggling and having fun.

I couldn't help but also imagine if things went well with our first child, I might be able to convince Clay to give her a sibling to play with. But, we would have to give that time. "Just be careful out there okay?" Clay said as he stood up and hugged me. He couldn't hug me the way he used to with my giant stomach in the way. "I will, I always am," I smiled. Clay gave me a soft kiss and bent down to kiss my stomach.

"You two take care of yourselves," Clay smiled. I grabbed my car keys and umbrella and walked outside. It was slightly chilly, but it wasn't warm either. The nearest grocery store was probably about twenty minutes away from the apartment. I didn't need to get a lot of stuff, but enough food for us to get through the next two weeks. After that, I had to go to the post office and check the mailbox and then visit Justin and Xander.

The rain began to pour down harder as I drove further away from the apartment, the roads had started to become slicker, but I kept my focus on the road and I decided to continue with the errands. "It's gonna be okay sweetie, we're gonna be fine," I said to my stomach. I heard a car honk behind me and I looked behind and even though it was still raining, I could recognize the car, it was Bryce's. Not again, I've to lose him.

I made a few twists and turns but I was careful enough to not hydroplane and put myself in danger. I looked behind me and I thought that I had finally lost him. I let out a sigh of relief and gently rubbed my stomach reassuring myself that everything would be okay. But, little did I know that I had not gotten away from Bryce. As I made another turn, I heard a car behind me speed up, and I felt something hit my car, and because of the slick roads, my car hydroplaned, and the last thing I remember was screaming as the car hit a nearby tree, and I was knocked unconscious.

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