Chapter 29

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Mil's P.O.V.

After another meeting with mr Guntithanon I eventually managed to start my plan to help Sarawat, it was surely painful but it was necessary. I took my phone and called Phukong knowing that Sarawat was busy because of the photo shooting before the concert. 

"Phukong, you surely remember opereation Mars, I thought that since you are the son of the boss you wanted to participate" 

"Of course p, tell me what I should do and I can assure that I will do my best" 

"Perfect, don't worry, I won't let you risk your life, it will be an easy job since it will be your first time, it will seem a little boring but this will be just the beginning" I replied

"Good, tell me where I have to go and when, we will meet there" Phukong stated with a calm tone

"Fine, wait for me at your mansion, I will arrive at 8pm, it will be really funny" 

"Thank you p for calling me, see you later then" 

Tine's P.O.V.

"Guys... can we have a little break? I'm quite tired..." I said after we posed for more than an hour, Dim looked at Green ad the latter nodded. I left the music room, I was quite sure that Sarawat was following me but I didn't care so I didn't even turn to see if I was right

"Ai Tine... are you busy?" Fong asked

"No, we have a break now, how may I help you?" I asked

"Well... there is something I would really like to talk about..." Fong started

"Continue, please" 

"It isn't easy..." 

I looked at him then I looked away and sighed, was he about to tell me that he wanted to break up? Because I just wanted the same thing

"ai Fong, I have to tell you something too, but first, is it about us?" I asked, he looked at the ground and nodded

"Ok... ai Fong... I'm really sorry to say this... but I don't.... I don't love you.... I don't mean to hurt you and you know how much I like you as a friend, you know that I want to take care of you but..." I added, he looked at me, he then smiled and hugged me

"My God.... how could you know that I wanted to tell you the same thing... we are still friends right? I suppose that the feeling I had for you was just the jealousy for something that we cannot have... but now... I'm really sorry for wasting your time like that ai Tine..." Fong interrupted me

"A... are you serious? Oh God thank you... of course we are still friends, nothing will be able to break our relationship, except for Ohm, he can break whatever he touches" I added chuckling, Ohm glared at me 

"This is supposed to be your dramatic moment, why do  you have to ruin it like this? I was silent and calm and then yoi just put me in the conversation, I hate you guys, I'm not joking, not at all, you brat" 

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